The Taurus Full Moon and Eclipse
If you thought that the current vibes out there are particularly intense, you are right. The Full Moon on the 8th is a corker - just look at that Moon conjunct Uranus, with the rebel Uranus square (challenging) establishment Saturn. All this is happening with the COP27 meeting in Egypt at the moment, and therefore it would be interesting to see what information this Full Moon chart is offereing us at the moment. As mentioned about, the square (a 90 degree aspect) between Uranus and Saturn seems to fit the description of the challenge that is facing us at the moment; change or keep the status quo. The thing is, changing will save us, maintaining the status quo will apparently lead to our undoing. The Moon in this chart, whilst also being occulted by the Sun, enmeshes her hidden light with that of Uranus, a planet which cannot be seen with the naked eye. In Ancient Eygpt, the Moon was represented by the God Thoth, depicted as a man with the head of an ibis. There are th...