
Showing posts from September, 2021

Full Moon in Pisces and Autumnal Equinox

  Full moons always arouse tales of superstition, witchery and the supernatural. Human behaviour has forever been associated with the waxing and waning of the moon. The word ‘lunacy’ is derived from the myth that the moon is responsible for odd behaviour. Wolves howl at full moons, witches fly – this is all stuff that has been thrown at us. Even Shakespeare refers to the moon, when in “Othello”, the maid Emilia tells Othello, “It is the very error of the moon/She comes more near the earth than she was wont/And makes men mad.” There is nothing witchy about this full moon, however. In astrological terms, this full moon occurs in Pisces at 28 degrees, that is, close to the end of Pisces (you might know that each zodiac sign is assigned 30 degrees). This is actually quite an auspicious Full Moon because it is very close to the degree at which ancients considered the planet Venus to be exalted, that is, in a particularly special and ‘good’ degree. Pisces is all about foregoing th...

Happy birthday, Malta!

  Whenever a child is born, parents who are interested in astrology might want to see a birthchart showing the position of the luminaries and planets at the time, place and date of birth. An experienced astrologer might then be asked to interpret the positions and relationships (what we call aspects) between the Sun, Moon and the planets for that child. And so it is the same with countries. Known as Mundane Astrology, countries too, have birth charts. They may also have more than one, depending on context and history. So what does Malta’s 1964 birthchart look like? A birthchart shows the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time, date and place of birth, or beginning of a project/era. This is the Malta chart most commonly in use by astrologers, because it is considered to be the beginning of Malta as a nation in her own right, although one could make an argument for using the 13th December 1974 chart, when Malta became a republic. Nicholas Campion, a well-established...

New Moon in sign of the Maiden

  On the 7 th September, at 2:51 am, the Sun and Moon will line up together in the sky in what we know as a New Moon. Anyone who likes plants will know that sowing seeds happens between now and the Full Moon – such is the knowledge that has been handed down to us by our forefathers, who in their wisdom paid attention to the night skies. New Moons mean new beginnings, a time to plant seeds, and, metaphorically, a time to set a new intention. This New Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Virgo. Virgo is the sixth astrological sign of the zodiac, and is the only female represented in the zodiac. The Ancient Egyptians represented her in the famous Denderah Zodiac at the Temple of Abydos, and they saw her as the goddess Isis [1] , the wife of dead Osiris and mother of the god Horus. Virgo, which means ‘maiden’ in Latin, was seen by the ancients as carrying a sheaf of wheat in her hand. She is the archetype of the goddess of the harvest; the early Arabs called her the ‘Innocent Maide...

Well, I did say I would blog about synchronicities.....

I love synchronicities. They just make life that little bit more interesting. Anyone who has read "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield will know that there is no such thing as a coincidence. The first Insight is all about how life changes direction when we become conscious of the coincidences in our lives. I don't think that these coincidences are earth-shattering experiences, but they do open up new possibilities which only become an 'aha! that's what it was all about' until later on down the road. The book is a favourite of mine.  I woke up this morning and thought I would organise my day by making an entry into my journal; what I hope to accomplish by the day's end. I doodled the date, and decided to add a flower doodle....I find that doing this focuses me.  About an hour later, I checked my FB feed (love it or hate it, it does provide a lot of access to astrologers' ideas). You know how FB provides you with a 'memory' - a photo or quo...