Well, I did say I would blog about synchronicities.....
I love synchronicities. They just make life that little bit more interesting. Anyone who has read "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield will know that there is no such thing as a coincidence. The first Insight is all about how life changes direction when we become conscious of the coincidences in our lives. I don't think that these coincidences are earth-shattering experiences, but they do open up new possibilities which only become an 'aha! that's what it was all about' until later on down the road. The book is a favourite of mine.
I woke up this morning and thought I would organise my day by making an entry into my journal; what I hope to accomplish by the day's end. I doodled the date, and decided to add a flower doodle....I find that doing this focuses me.
About an hour later, I checked my FB feed (love it or hate it, it does provide a lot of access to astrologers' ideas). You know how FB provides you with a 'memory' - a photo or quote made on the same day but in previous years... Well, this memory made me sit up: this is a photo taken in Trento, Italy, a few years ago. I was there on holiday and was blown away by this experience. First of all, I am enthralled by cathedrals, especially medieval ones. I stand in awe of those masons who, with the technology available at the time, were able to construct the most beautiful temples designed for prayer.
The flower doodle came first, then the photo of the north-facing rose window. What does this mean? Who knows...time will tell. The important thing is becoming conscious of the coincidences, according to the information offered by the book. If nothing else, life just becomes that little bit more interesting.
Enjoy your day!!
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