The Full Moon, Saturn and more....


Yesterday's Full Moon in Taurus is at 24 degrees in Taurus - meaning the Sun is directly opposite in Scorpio at 24 degrees. Following on from the very ominous new moon, we have a full moon with an equally forceful vibe. With all that's happened over the past two weeks (US elections) one would hope that things would calm down a bit (oh that Mars/Pluto opposition at the 29th degree of Cancer/Capricorn). The coming Full Moon is quite packed. Let's have a look. 

Let's remember what a Full Moon is. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun. If we set intentions at the New Moon, the Full Moon is when the light reaches its maximum and then begins to diminish. Even as a child I was told that if I were to plant seeds, I had to do it between the new and full moon. Over the past two weeks, we have witnessed a shift in world affairs as signified by Pluto/Mars at that anaretic degree (29 degrees of anything). 

In astrological terms, what was planted at the New Moon finds its maximum potential at full moon light. Here we have the Sun shining its light on the Moon in Taurus and Uranus at Algol's degree. Unpacking that, the focus of this Full Moon is on stability (Taurus). And yet Uranus is anything BUT stability. Then you have Algol's vibe packed into that. 

What does that mean for us lesser mortals? Although Uranus brings brilliance, innovation and rebellion, it can also bring unreliability. This is a lunar event, which means our emotions could be unstable for a while. But wait, there's more, which might help things a bit. 

Saturn, an imaginary image
Enter Saturn, which has been retrograde since the 29th June 2024, and goes into direct motion on the day of the Full Moon. Think back to the 29th June, when Saturn was at 19 degrees of Pisces. Think of what you were doing back then, and whether you were required to take a step back and examine your boundaries. Well, on the 15th November, Saturn resumes its apparent forward motion (not that it was ever moving in any other direction) whilst at 12 degrees of Pisces. This is when you pick up the former rhythm and move forward. You may feel a sense of deja-vu until Saturn returns to its original position (when the retrograde started) and that happens around the middle of February. The difference is that you recover lost ground with a renewed sense of who you are and what your capabilities are. This is also a spiritual journey, in a sense, as Saturn is transiting the spiritual sign of Pisces. Which brings me to tell you an interesting story. 

During this Saturn retrograde period, I had the opportunity to visit South Korea with a tour agency, during which time I made some lovely friends. The organisers of this tour were people known to me through mutual friends and went to all lengths to ensure the places we visited were the well known ones, whilst others were off the beaten track. 
One place we visited was Bulguksa Temple, an otherworldly place, a temple established in the 8th century during the Silla dynasty. It is also a UN heritage site. I was blown away by its beauty and also by the fact that within the temple complex was a temple dedicated to the 1000 armed bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Apart from the fact that I had wanted to visit this country after learning so much about it, I never thought that my travels would lead me there. You see, I have a close connection with this particular bodhisattva and by this I mean that once upon a time I chanced upon a picture of this bodhisattva of wisdom and compassion and did some research on her female form known as Kwan Yin. 

When I checked the date of the visit - the 3rd September of this year - I learned that the New Moon on that day was directly opposite (to the exact degree) my natal Moon - and Saturn was very close to my natal Moon. The 29th June (the day Saturn began its apparent retrograde motion) was the day I finally paid for the trip. It is only in retrospect did I learn that that day was a very auspicious day. 
So, whilst all this uncertainty that change brings along with it, I experienced this when I was outside my comfort zone. 
By the next new moon, Pluto will have finally crossed over into Aquarius. More about that later. Be aware of all that is going on around you, and remember not to get involved in power struggles. Eat well, sleep well and immerse yourself in things which bring you joy.In the meantime, may we all encompass new and wonderful things and be kind to others in the face of change.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, 


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