New Moon in Aquarius and Happy Chinese New Year!
New Moons are excellent for setting intentions. This is all down to the old ways - it's about sowing seeds. My grandmother was an avid gardener, who always told me that seeds are sown during the waxing moon period. This is knowledge that people way back then had - they were in touch with the Earth's rhythms. Today's New Moon occurs on 1 degree of Aquarius, the sign to do with ideas, ideology and is traditionally ruled over by Saturn the task master. In traditional astrology, Saturn was considered to be the greater malefic (it conferred hardship). Venus is very close to Saturn in the sky and if anyone has this aspect in their natal charts, astrologers would say that the native would be naturally cautious in their approach to relationships. Once friends are made, however, they would last. The Moon is still out-of-bounds, donning something of a wild card vibe to this New Moon picture, which means that it adds extra energy to this chart. Mars, the lesser malefic, is also out...