
Showing posts from January, 2024

Full Moon in Leo and Pluto

  Full Moon in Leo this evening at 18:53. You should see it rising over the eastern horizon. it's quite cloudy today so I imagine that we shan't be getting a clear view of the stars.  Full Moons are about the culmination of intentions set at the New Moon, two weeks ago in the sign of Capricorn. If Capricorn was all about building, Leo is about the emotional satisfaction of being the main character in your own play. There are, however, a few things you need to keep in mind.  Let's look at the story the sky is offering us at this Full Moon.  First and foremost, we need to talk about that Sun/Pluto conjunction. As the planets travel around the Sun, every year there will be a time when the Sun is conjunct the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). It is not every day that Pluto changes sign, however, and it certainly isn't every day when Pluto changes sign AND there is a full moon. So, if we look at the dynamics of this lunar cycle, we can see that any Sun/Moon/Pluto...

Pluto moves into Aquarius... time to change tack!

  This post is about Pluto. Yes, something 'big' is going on in the astrological skies. Pluto is moving sign - not something that happens every day as it is a very slow moving planet.  On the 21st January, at 01:56, this planet will move into the air sign of Aquarius. If Capricorn was the sign of big business, Aquarius is about how we, as a human race, move forward. This is quite a momentous time. Pluto has been stepping in and out of Aquarius since last year (retrograding back into Capricorn) and when it did enter Aquarius, we got AI. What Pluto in Aqua is about is rediscovering our humanity. Aquarius is about ideas, ideals, innovation and change. Just imagine Pluto, the planet associated with transformation there.... we will most definitely be challenged with changing how we view our ideologies. Pluto was in Capricorn from 2008 until now, and it challenged us on how we conducted business. Before that, when it was in Sagittarius, it all about how we viewed truth. Pluto will b...

New Moon in Capricorn and Lady Venus graces the Morning Sky

  And here it is, the first New Moon of the new calendar year. Notice how all the planets are above the horizon; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Let's not forget Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The last three planets are not visible with the naked eye, and even if they were, being daylight it would be impossible to see them. The same goes for all the other planets. The lady leading the dance is Venus, who is in her morning star phase. The photo on the right was taken on the 9th Jan, just before sunrise.  So, what story is the sky offering us this New Moon? As with every new moon, it is a good time to make your intentions for the next two weeks. Being the new year, we all make our resolutions, even if it is only one resolution we make.  Just look at that line-up. The New Moon in Capricorn occurs at 12:57 on Thursday 11th and the whole dance is led by Lady Venus. Pluto, the planet associated with death and rebirth is at 29'41 Capricorn and is poised to enter...