Full Moon in Leo and Pluto
Full Moon in Leo this evening at 18:53. You should see it rising over the eastern horizon. it's quite cloudy today so I imagine that we shan't be getting a clear view of the stars. Full Moons are about the culmination of intentions set at the New Moon, two weeks ago in the sign of Capricorn. If Capricorn was all about building, Leo is about the emotional satisfaction of being the main character in your own play. There are, however, a few things you need to keep in mind. Let's look at the story the sky is offering us at this Full Moon. First and foremost, we need to talk about that Sun/Pluto conjunction. As the planets travel around the Sun, every year there will be a time when the Sun is conjunct the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). It is not every day that Pluto changes sign, however, and it certainly isn't every day when Pluto changes sign AND there is a full moon. So, if we look at the dynamics of this lunar cycle, we can see that any Sun/Moon/Pluto...