When the Moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie...
And that is what I was singing in the car on my way to work this morning. At 17:56 this evening, just as the sun dips below the horizon, the Moon will be opposite the Sun on the 27 degree Leo/Aquarius axis. Interestingly, this is where Regulus, the star in the heart of Leo lies. Regulus is known as one of the four 'watchers', or Royal Stars. In Arabic, it was assigned the name 'Qalb al-Assad', or heart of the lion. Full Moons usually indicate the culmination of intentions laid down at the New Moon. So what is being highlighted here? Given that Mars and Venus are currently in cahoots in the sky, this must be part of the picture. Yesterday I posted about this being a one-night stand event; but no, Venus and Mars will be travelling together for a few weeks. The heat coming off this alignment is going to last more than one night, it seems. Another fixed star, Algol, the Medusa, is aligned with the Moon's Nodes - indicating some sort of potential violence. Given that w...