Did you feel the heat? Valentine's Day - the morning after...
So, as yesterday's Ghar iD-Dud was replete with couples carrying roses and other red paraphernalia, two heavenly bodies were creating some heat in the sky.
Yep, Mars and Venus were having a 'thing', though Venus, our goddess of love, moves faster than Mars, and so she'll leave him in the lurch and toddle off. They may have been visible as a single light sinking into the western horizon at sunset yesterday. Both planets are in the zodiac sign of Capricorn (though in the sky the constellation of Sagittarius would have been visible as a backdrop - the reason for this will be in another post. Astrology can be sidereal or tropical, in short) and Capricorn is not a sign known for love; it is an earth sign and also a cardinal sign. Moreover, Mars is in exaltation in Capricorn (powerful), Venus in the sign of Capricorn has no special power, but there was a nice trine (120 degree aspect/relationship) to Uranus, so there was a general overtone of 'let's do the unusual thing, no emotions'. Hmmmm, a one night stand?So, if you did celebrate Valentine's Day (did you know St.Valentine's body is buried in Dublin, Ireland?), the sky gods were right there with you!!
Coming up soon - a configuration at the end of the month, with Pluto and Venus meeting. The event of the year must be the Jupiter-Neptune meeting in Pisces, a sign they both 'rule' (traditional astrology decrees Pisces is ruled over by Jupiter, whilst Neptune has a kind of co-ownership thing going on). More on that later!
Gotta go,
Ghar id-Dud (pronounced 'are/id/dute' - Maltese for 'cave of bugs'... I guess comes close) - is the seaside promenade in Sliema.