
Showing posts from July, 2022

New Moon in Leo and a few Lionesses!

  Before I put pen to paper (metaphorically speaking - because here it's fingertips to keypad), I often wonder what to include in a report or text about a new of full moon. Sometimes, I think it's more fun to include non-related details (though by a large stretch of the imagination, one could possibly link them), after all, not everyone comprehends astrological mumbo jumbo. So here goes.  Today's New Moon in Leo occurs at 5 degrees of Leo. The chart itself reveals that the Moon and Sun occupy the same space of sky - well, not exactly - but they are in line. The exact time is around sunset (which is why they are on the western horizon - see chart). The story the chart is presenting is not only one of a new moon, but also something astrologers are making much of at the moment: Uranus conjunct the North Node, with Mars about to join the party. Uranus is pretty much a generational planet; it was discovered during the time of revolutions in the late 1700s and is associated with ...

Full Moon in Capricorn and The Gateway of the Gods

  Apologies for this late entry - what I thought was going to be a long, lazy summer has been anything but. Here's my take on things, nevertheless. The Full Moon in Capricorn occurred yesterday evening at approximately 19:37 local time. The Sun is currently transiting the last decan of Cancer and therefore the Moon would be directly opposite at 21 degrees of Capricorn.  Astrology deals with polarities, meaning that opposite signs lie across an axis, for example Leo/Aquarius, Aries/Libra and so forth. The Cancer/Capricorn axis has frequently been called 'The Gateway to the Gods', possibly because they were linked to the solstices. There is a lot of ancient literature concerning this subject which is quite fascinating. The Ancient Egyptians equated the zodiac sign of Cancer with souls descending to Earth because the Sun, at that time of the year, has the longest elevation in the sky, and therefore was seen as being closer to heaven. Conversely, during the winter solstice, dur...