New Moon in Leo and a few Lionesses!
Before I put pen to paper (metaphorically speaking - because here it's fingertips to keypad), I often wonder what to include in a report or text about a new of full moon. Sometimes, I think it's more fun to include non-related details (though by a large stretch of the imagination, one could possibly link them), after all, not everyone comprehends astrological mumbo jumbo. So here goes. Today's New Moon in Leo occurs at 5 degrees of Leo. The chart itself reveals that the Moon and Sun occupy the same space of sky - well, not exactly - but they are in line. The exact time is around sunset (which is why they are on the western horizon - see chart). The story the chart is presenting is not only one of a new moon, but also something astrologers are making much of at the moment: Uranus conjunct the North Node, with Mars about to join the party. Uranus is pretty much a generational planet; it was discovered during the time of revolutions in the late 1700s and is associated with ...