New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon in Virgo occurs on Saturday, 27th August at around a quarter past ten in the morning. When the moon is new, it isn't visible, apart from the fact that it occurs during daylight hours. The Moon changes sign every two and a half days, and will make an aspect to the Sun roughly every 14 days, either as a conjunction (New Moon) or as an opposition (Full Moon). Women's mensis was called their 'moon time' as, before the days of artificial light, women's cycles would have been more in tune with lunar cycles. Attitudes towards women's mensis vary around the world, depending on the prevailing culture; some saw it as a time when women had to withdraw (read 'The Red Tent', by Anita Diamant) from their community whilst others saw it as a time when women came into their power. The zodiac sign of Virgo is represented by a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat. Across many cultures, the Virgo maiden is associated with the harvest, including the process of s...