
Showing posts from October, 2023

Full Moon Taurus Lunar Eclipse and a Southern Cross

  The Full Moon on the 28th October 2023 is also a partial lunar eclipse which occurs at 5 degrees of Taurus at 10:24 pm. As with all full moons, the focus is on the culmination of intentions set at the New Moon two weeks prior. Two weeks ago, this blog spoke of the effect of Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, going direct, comparing it to a handbrake being released. That, combined with the energy of Mars, speaks to us as a force that will undoubtedly be difficult to control. The impact of Uranian energy was also highlighted, indicating that impulses to change something that had been hitherto tolerated (for want of a better word) would challenge us.  Today's Full Moon seems to be telling us that this point has been reached. In addition to this, this Full Moon is also a lunar eclipse (albeit partial) which adds to the potency of this explosive possibility. Let us have a look at the reason for this.  To begin with, the Moon and Jupiter are pretty close together, therefore in co...

A Libra Solar Eclipse today!

  The New Moon on the 14th October occurs at 21 degrees of Libra and is also a solar eclipse. it will not be visible in Malta as the sun would have already dipped below the horizon. Nevertheless, visible or not, eclipses are always interesting in astrological terms. This particular eclipse will be visible, however, over a narrow path in North and South America, and is an annular eclipse - that is - the Moon will not totally block out the Sun; a ring of fire will be visible around the Moon.  Solar eclipses occur during a New Moon when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun, partially or completely blocking out the Sun's light. In astrology, solar eclipses are associated with new beginnings and powerful changes and are often seen as opportunities to set new intentions, start afresh and make major life changes. So, in effect, this is a very powerful time to start afresh and think of ways forward in a balanced, coordinated way; this is, after all, happening in the sign of Libra...