Full Moon Taurus Lunar Eclipse and a Southern Cross


The Full Moon on the 28th October 2023 is also a partial lunar eclipse which occurs at 5 degrees of Taurus at 10:24 pm. As with all full moons, the focus is on the culmination of intentions set at the New Moon two weeks prior. Two weeks ago, this blog spoke of the effect of Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, going direct, comparing it to a handbrake being released. That, combined with the energy of Mars, speaks to us as a force that will undoubtedly be difficult to control. The impact of Uranian energy was also highlighted, indicating that impulses to change something that had been hitherto tolerated (for want of a better word) would challenge us. 

Today's Full Moon seems to be telling us that this point has been reached. In addition to this, this Full Moon is also a lunar eclipse (albeit partial) which adds to the potency of this explosive possibility. Let us have a look at the reason for this. 

To begin with, the Moon and Jupiter are pretty close together, therefore in conjunction. The Moon is all about what emotionally motivates us, and as the sign it currently occupies is Taurus, it is all about what we value, assets and resources. Jupiter is also in Taurus, though retrograde. Jupiter is about expansion, so this tells us that the boundaries have been extended. We are sensitive about things which motivate us emotionally (in this case the things, resources {Taurus} which make us feel emotionally secure). Let's not forget that Jupiter in Taurus is also about money - lots of it. 

On the opposite side of the chart, we have the Sun (circle with a dot), Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. Scorpio is a fixed water sign. This means that Mercury and Mars will have something of a stubborn nature about them. Scorpio is like that, isn't it? Anyone who knows a bit about astrology will have heard that Scorpio people are 'expected' to be members of the 'Very Intense People Club'. That is because of it is fixed (think stubborn) water (emotions) sign.

Mercury in Scorpio is about having the ability to dig deep and come up with the truth (think of swimming to the bottom of a swimming pool to find a lost item); it is about having a single-minded focus. Mars in Scorpio is about possessing amazing amounts of energy (power) at your disposal. 

So this Full Moon (and also an eclipse - which makes it more potent) carries with it the impetus to use that energy (Mars) to complete a task in order to ensure stability (Taurus). It can also be about communication (Mercury) or lack of (think communication blackout currently in force in the Middle East). 

Also in play is the fixed star Acrux, the alpha star in the constellation Alpha Crucis (The Southern Cross). This star is found at 11 degrees Scorpio, directly conjunct Mars, the Warrior. Is it any wonder that there is conflict in the area where the Crusades took place? 

On a personal level, the Full Moon chart speaks to us of internal conflict: remember that that the New Moon chart hinted that we might want to put a stop to something in our lives that was hitherto tolerated. This has been stepped up to 'all systems go', with a potential for verbal (Mercury) violence (Mars). As with the New Moon two weeks ago, caution is advised. Try to avoid polarising debate and engage in ethical communication with others. In the words of Old Benjamin from 'Animal Farm', "Donkeys live a long time". Let us not be stirred up by the words of others. Truth is easily distorted. This, too, will pass.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. 




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