
Showing posts from February, 2024

The Heavenly Lovers.... and a Full Moon in Virgo

  Welcome to the Virgo Full Moon of the 24th February 2024 at 5 degrees. The exact moment of the Full Moon occurs during the day, so you will have to wait until after sunset to see that fabulous moonrise in the east.  As always, the Full Moon is the culmination of all those intentions set at the New Moon fourteen days earlier. These past few weeks have been nothing short of explosive: Mars, which travels faster as it has a smaller orbital path, met Pluto on its travels around the Sun on the 13th February, just nine days ago. This Mars-Pluto conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius combines the fiery energy of Mars with the harbinger transformative energy of Pluto. So if any one of you celebrated your birthday around the 13th February, this year you may find yourself making changes. What type? Anything that involves you.   The real star of the show is the 'heavenly lovers' i.e. Venus and Mars who are meeting in the sky for a little tryst. Although this is not a rare event, i...

Of the Wood Dragon and a power-packed New Moon

  A New Moon in Aquarius graces our skies at two minutes to midnight on the 9th February 2024. Not only that, but it is also the Chinese New Year, but more about that later.  Aquarius is an air sign traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn. Between the last ten days of January (or thereabouts) until the 20th of February, the Sun will rise against the backdrop of the Water Bearer, Aquarius. We are moving away from the longest night towards Spring with singular vision. Hence, there is a sense of hope for the future, and therein lies the idea of Aquarius; vision, ideals and humanity.  Saturn is the only planet to rule two adjacent zodiac signs. The qualities Saturn possesses are unlike the constrictive nature of Saturn in Capricorn. In Aquarius, Saturn brings people together with ideas; it builds with ideas.  The co-ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, who has more of a rebellious nature (although Saturn would in Aquarius would also go against the grain for the good of others)....

Latest news on KCIII and the eclipses

  I posted this in November '23. Today we hear that HM King Charles III (or Charles Mountbatten-Windsor  to some) has been diagnosed with a serious illness.  To begin with, KCIII has a Sun/Mars conjunction in his SR chart for this year and this augurs well in that his vitality (Sun) has the energy of Mars. With Uranus opposite, he may (notice that nothing is fixed, the word used here is 'may') have to deal with issues which are unexpected. Running his Secondary Progressed chart (another predictive tool) confirms that he may indeed have to deal with unexpected challenges which crop up (progressed Uranus conjunct progressed Midheaven - indicating sudden change to status/career). We shall just have to wait and see how that pans out.  It is rather interesting that the British royal family has a history with eclipses. Charles and Diana got married in July 1981 under the shadow of an imp...