And the guns are blazing!! Note to self - chill!
Welcome to the Aries Full Moon which occurs on the 17th October at around 13:30. That evening, the Moon will rise in the east in a spectacular fashion. Since the beginning of summer we've had some powerful alignments and this month is no different. Just look at all the planets at twenty something degrees of a sign! First of all, we need to look at the grand square in the chart. The Sun is opposite the Moon - that is typical of the Full Moon. This FM is in Aries, that is, warrior energy. The planet that rules Aries is Mars, which lies in Cancer at the moment. Mars' placement in this sign could be described as the warrior who defends the homeland (Cancer rules the home). Mars lies opposite Pluto, the planet associated with death and transformation. Death is a metaphor here for something coming to an end, which then transmutes and transforms into something new. Such is the principal energy of this Full Moon. When you consider what is going on in the world, one wonders whether ...