Full Moon in Virgo... and some other stuff....
Good morning all! There is a terrific amount of news bombarding us at every moment. Each person I meet comments that their lives are terrible busy (including mine) and that everything seems to be happening at once, and that they cannot keep up. Ditto. Let's have a look at a few things happening in the sky. First of all, there is a Full Moon tomorrow. Full Moons are the culmination of seeds sown at the New Moon. Looking back at that, the New Moon on the 3rd of March was dominated by the Venus/Mars conjunction in Capricorn. The Virgo Full Moon has Venus and Mars still travelling together in the sky, though Venus is moving faster than Mars, and both of them have moved into Aquarius, away from earthy Capricorn, where Mars held more power and stability. Uranus is rising in this Full Moon chart, so expect surprises! Aquarius is a sign that is traditionally ruled by Saturn, and in the Full Moon chart, one can see that Saturn is at home in its domain. Thus, both Venus and Mar...