New Moon in Pisces
At precisely 18:34 this evening, 2nd March 2022, the Sun and Moon will align in the sky in what is called the 'New Moon', and occurs at 12 degrees of Pisces. Pisces is the sign of the fish in the sky and is associated with water. Interestingly, in the days of Jesus Christ, the sign of the two fish swimming in opposite directions was associated with the Christians - but back to this New Moon.
There is so much more going on in today's New Moon chart. First of all, you will notice that Mars, the planet associated with the warrior, occupies the same degree of Pluto the Transformer. Mars is also at its exaltation degree of 27 degrees Capricorn - a position which empowers it enormously. Mars in Capricorn is focused, determined, driven by hard cold facts. Pluto is in the final degrees of Capricorn, the house of business and finance. Having these two together in the sky at Mars' exaltation degree is pretty explosive. Just look at what is going on in the news - an invasion and economic sanctions.
Then there is Venus, which is typically known as the goddess of love, but not at the moment. She is in cold Capricorn and is a morning star at the moment (rising before the Sun) and according to some (pretty impressive) astrologers, this makes her somewhat belligerent. If you throw that vibe into the Mars+Pluto mix, things get a little bit 'hot'. However, we have to remember that Mars is at its best position at 27 degrees of Capricorn, and will know how to behave well. Let's pray for some restraint.
The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, is in Aquarius occupying (conjunct) the same space with Mercury, at 19 degrees. Traditionally, Saturn rules Aquarius and speaks of fixedness in ideas and ideologies: communications could be at an impasse today.
Another interesting aspect is the Moon's Nodes. The lunar nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbit path crosses the ecliptic (the equator projected out into space) and tell us a lot about the patterns we inherit from family (or past lives if you're into that way of thinking) and where we're headed - our destiny. The Moon's nodes are on the 26 degrees of the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The 26th degree of Taurus, the North Node, our destiny, is where the malefic star Algol (mentioned in other blog posts) is found. Algol speaks of female empowerment or femicide. Today we learnt that another woman has died at the hands of an abusive partner (here in Malta).
Jupiter and Neptune will soon conjoin in the sky; Jupiter is all about doing things in a big way, or even a spiritual way, whilst Neptune is about the illusion/delusion spectrum. This could be a highly auspicious time or a highly delusional time. More of that another time. Let us focus on the New Moon chart and how it may affect us.
Technically, New Moons are good for beginning things. The Pisces New Moon is about turning inwards and paying attention to internal landscapes. Jupiter is at 14 degrees of Pisces, and therefore very close to the Sun. Remember, Jupiter is in Pisces and has a spiritual/mystical vibe, and so all in all, this New Moon offers us two choices. Be a spiritual warrior... or... externalise this need to be a warrior.
Live wisely,
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