Ancient Eygpt and Fixed Stars
I don't know anyone who isn't interested in Ancient Egypt - the pyramids, the Pharoahs, the whole mystery of why they were built. Much has been written and said about them, and most people I know have heard about 'The Orion Mystery' a book written a wee while back by . What compelled me to write a blog post about them was the fact that driving home from work yesterday, was a van whose company name was 'Orion' something. Yes, I do smile when things like this happen. What Gilbert and Bauvall suggest (well, a bit more strongly than that) is that the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau were built to mirror the stars in the belt of Orion. Not being archeologists in the academic sense, they were not taken seriously, though their work has been followed up. Whatever the case, the stories that the ancient temples continue to give us certainly captures our imaginations. What we do know is that the ancient Egyptians were certainly besotted by fixed stars. Did they pract...