
Showing posts from April, 2023

An eclipse and the Malta chart: New Moon in Aries

    The New Moon on the 20th April occurs at 29degrees 50 minutes of Aries just before sunrise. This means that the Sun will be just below the horizon and not visible at that time. It is a hybrid eclipse. What does this mean?  In one calendar year, Earth usually experiences four to six eclipses. Most years we get two eclipses twice yearly as they usually come in pairs. Some years we have two pairs of three eclipses. Hybrid eclipses are not common and happen once every decade. For a more detailed explanation, apart from knowing that solar eclipses happen when the Moon blocks out the Sun's light, go to (copy and right click to open in a new tab).  Eclipses are 'wild cards' which portend change, and depending on where they fall in your astrological chart, expect change to unfold, especially if they aspect a personal planet or one of the four angles of one's chart. Just to remind you, in days of old, the ...

Jupiter explorer launch planned for today.....

  Yesterday's post was about the Sun-Jupiter conjunction. So I was pleasantly surprised when this came up around breakfast time..... Watching the news this morning, something of interest popped up onto my screen.  Today's news speaks of Europe's Juice mission to Jupiter, due to be launched today. This is an amazing representation of 'as above, so below'.  You can read about it here: Just highlight the link, right click, and find 'go to......'   You can also read yesterday's blog post here:  'I love it when a plan comes together!' Who said that? I hope you find this as intriguing as I did.  Cindy

Jupiter and Sun conjunct today!

  Good morning - this is just a quick post to highlight a celestial event happening at the moment. Jupiter, the planet to do with expansion and joy, is conjunct the Sun at 21 to 22 degrees of Aries. Jupiter is travelling with the Sun which means this planet is not visible by night.  Jupiter conjunct (occupying the same space) the Sun is a very fortunate aspect, so if you have anything between 20 to 23 degrees in Aries or Libra, Pisces or Virgo, Aquarius or Leo, and Capricorn or Cancer, this is a highly auspicious sign. It signifies growth and expansion with benefic results.  Let's give an example. This is the aspect that this heavenly conjunction is making to a person's chart who has their own natal Mercury at 21 degrees of Cancer. Mercury in Cancer speaks of communcation as a means of nurturing (Mercury in Cancer) within the area of groups and organisations (11th house). The Jupiter-Sun conjunction is happening of the 8th house (to do with other people's resources). Canc...

Full Moon in Libra... and what the heck is going on in the world?

  So there's going to be a Full Moon at 16 degrees of Libra this morning, just before sunrise. Tonight's moon will be bright and full, and will reach its opposition to the Sun just before sinking below the western horizon. What is striking about this Full Moon is the number of planets setting as the Moon is rising (last night at around 7:00pm). Indeed, the only planets inhabiting the sky tonight will be Pluto, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, and Saturn, which rises as the Moon is about to set.  Which brings me to the next two topics: just what is going on in the world? Well, Saturn and Pluto changed signs recently. Saturn, the planet to do with taking organisation and responsibility, rules two signs: Capricorn and Aquarius. Capricorn is the sign of big business, in our times traditionally associated with big corporations, CEOs and all that. Following that sign is Aquarius, which is unlike Capricorn being an air sign. Aquarius is known for being an independent and unco...