An eclipse and the Malta chart: New Moon in Aries
The New Moon on the 20th April occurs at 29degrees 50 minutes of Aries just before sunrise. This means that the Sun will be just below the horizon and not visible at that time. It is a hybrid eclipse. What does this mean? In one calendar year, Earth usually experiences four to six eclipses. Most years we get two eclipses twice yearly as they usually come in pairs. Some years we have two pairs of three eclipses. Hybrid eclipses are not common and happen once every decade. For a more detailed explanation, apart from knowing that solar eclipses happen when the Moon blocks out the Sun's light, go to (copy and right click to open in a new tab). Eclipses are 'wild cards' which portend change, and depending on where they fall in your astrological chart, expect change to unfold, especially if they aspect a personal planet or one of the four angles of one's chart. Just to remind you, in days of old, the ...