Full Moon in Libra... and what the heck is going on in the world?


So there's going to be a Full Moon at 16 degrees of Libra this morning, just before sunrise. Tonight's moon will be bright and full, and will reach its opposition to the Sun just before sinking below the western horizon. What is striking about this Full Moon is the number of planets setting as the Moon is rising (last night at around 7:00pm). Indeed, the only planets inhabiting the sky tonight will be Pluto, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, and Saturn, which rises as the Moon is about to set. 

Which brings me to the next two topics: just what is going on in the world? Well, Saturn and Pluto changed signs recently.

Saturn, the planet to do with taking organisation and responsibility, rules two signs: Capricorn and Aquarius. Capricorn is the sign of big business, in our times traditionally associated with big corporations, CEOs and all that. Following that sign is Aquarius, which is unlike Capricorn being an air sign. Aquarius is known for being an independent and unconventional sign, and Saturn in this sign can reinforce these tendencies. Aquarius is also known for its innovative and inventive spirit, so Saturn in this sign can encourage this creativity.

Saturn moving away from two signs and into a water sign represents a significant shift from taking action to one where the focus goes inwards. Saturn is in Pisces is all about sensitivity, compassion and spiritual awareness. 

Pluto also moved into a new sign after about 14 years in Capricorn. In Aquarius, the spirit of death and regeneration is expressed through the notions of innovation and invention. All those who represented the 'old' way of doing business is giving way, as can be seen by the amount of changes going on in the world at the moment - people losing power, others gaining it, and others gaining it even when they should be losing it. Clearly, change is afoot. 

On top of all this, we are approaching eclipse season. Eclipses portend change and in the past, royal court astrologers would pay very close attention to these. If they bring any change, these changes could also be a shift in power, which is why leaders in the past, when such celestial events did carry much importance (kings, clan chiefs and so forth ), would consult their court astrologers to ensure longevity. So of course, the fact that a king is to be crowned on the 6th May is of great interest to us astrologers when an eclipse is to occur the previous day. More about that in another post. 

Back to the Full Moon; what does it tell us? The Sun, Jupiter and Chiron are very close in the sky. All three are in the sign of Aries, the sign of the warrior. Remember that Saturn is in Pisces, asking us to take responsibility for reassessing our spiritual lives. Chiron is not a planet; it is an asteroid (a minor planet) which reveals where our wound is and how, in the process of healing it, we assist others in doing so. In this aspect, Chiron is called the Wounded Healer. As we are talking about a full moon lunation here, the focus is on the emotional aspect, and therefore today's Full Moon is highlighting the need to look at our wounds and do some inner work. Jupiter is also close to the Sun in the Full Moon chart and  this suggests that we need to ensure that we strike a balance between our own healing and that of others (as the Moon is in the 7th house, the house of our significant others, be it business or otherwise). 

In short, stop, take a look around you and breathe. What are your needs? Are they being met? Are you looking after yourself? The world is changing fast and one way of making sure that we can cope with a rapidly changing world is to find balance in what we do. Honour your inner spirit because this is where wellness is found. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this. 





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