The Moon, Algol and Jupiter are hanging out together today....

I read something interesting today, on Smiljana Gavroncic’s FaceBook page. Smiljana is an amazing astrologer from Serbia whose work is very interesting because she collects details and puts all the threads together to weave a narrative explaining how the stars affect us humans. As above so below. Very simply put, she wrote that today, Sunday 29 th August 2021, the Moon will occupy a degree in the zodiac which is also shared by the fixed star Algol. This star is found in the constellation Perseus and has been recognised to be the most malevolent fixed star out there. Today, the Moon and Algol form a challenging angle of 90 ° to the planet Jupiter. Why is this significant? Well, to begin with, astrology is about finding patterns. When two points in the sky form an aspect (usually angles of 90 ° - a square, 180 ° - an opposition, or even 0 ° - a conjunction where they occupy the same portion of sky in the zodiac) this is something we should pay attention to. So let’s break ...