
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Moon, Algol and Jupiter are hanging out together today....

  I read something interesting today, on Smiljana Gavroncic’s FaceBook page. Smiljana is an amazing astrologer from Serbia whose work is very interesting because she collects details and puts all the threads together to weave a narrative explaining how the stars affect us humans. As above so below. Very simply put, she wrote that today, Sunday 29 th August 2021, the Moon will occupy a degree in the zodiac which is also shared by the fixed star Algol. This star is found in the constellation Perseus and has been recognised to be the most malevolent fixed star out there. Today, the Moon and Algol form a challenging angle of 90 ° to the planet Jupiter. Why is this significant? Well, to begin with, astrology is about finding patterns. When two points in the sky form an aspect (usually angles of 90 ° - a square, 180 ° - an opposition, or even 0 ° - a conjunction where they occupy the same portion of sky in the zodiac) this is something we should pay attention to. So let’s break ...

Full Moon 22nd August 2021

  A full moon will occur on the 22 nd August 2021 at 14:01 local Malta time. A full moon occurs when the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the Earth resulting in an illuminated moon. This is quite a special Full Moon as it is the second Full Moon during the zodiac month of Leo (23 rd July – 23 rd August), making it a ‘Blue Moon’ in Leo (though technically the Moon is passing through the sign of Aquarius). The first Full Moon occurred on the 24 th July at 1 ° Aquarius and was marked by a conjunction with Saturn (conjunction – when two planets line up in the zodiac) giving it a somewhat restrictive vibe. Traditionally, Saturn is known as the taskmaster, that which makes us take responsibility for what we engage in or with. In other words, you have to work hard to gain authority in that area. Saturn rules two zodiac signs, Capricorn and Aquarius, although Uranus, discovered in 1781, has been ascribed to Aquarius. The Full Moon on the 22 nd   has a totally different...
  A New Moon in Leo on the 8 th  August at 15:50 offers us the opportunity to put in an intention to be more creative – that is what Leo is about, after all – opening up the heart to new possibilities. The overall feel is one of positivity and the ability to imagine wonderful scenarios – a gateway, if you will. Gateways are always interesting as they offer us mortals the opportunity to envision something new. To the Ancient Egyptians, the moment the dog star Sirius rose with the Sun (heliacal rising) meant that the New Year commenced. Sirius is associated with Leo (although it is a star in the constellation Canis Major) as it always rose in the ‘hot days’ when the Nile flooded, bringing with it the promise of renewal. To the ancient Egyptians, this event was met with much trepidation as they would understand that the year ahead was guaranteed crops. Two important backdrops to be noted for this New Moon is the Lions Gate Portal and the ongoing Saturn/Uranus dance. The 8:8 (...

Welcome to the blog!

So this is the first post, and wow, it's been on my bucket list for a long time. Now, with more time freed up due to my studies being completed (a masters in Education, no less), I thought I would share my thoughts and ideas with anyone who would care to read about them. We are, after all, as a long-departed friend would often tell me, walking each other home.  I don't think I have ever not been interested in the stars. I began to practise the art of Astrology at a young age and by my twenties I felt comfortable casting charts (by hand in those days) and reading them for friends. The advent of the internet offered many opportunities to follow online courses in various aspects of Astrology which continued to add to what I had learnt through reading and practice.  I continue to be amazed by the information one can get by reading charts.   As a 12th House Leo Sun, I prefer to work behind the scenes. However, my progressed Mercury (Lord of my chart and also my MC) just w...