Welcome to the blog!

So this is the first post, and wow, it's been on my bucket list for a long time. Now, with more time freed up due to my studies being completed (a masters in Education, no less), I thought I would share my thoughts and ideas with anyone who would care to read about them. We are, after all, as a long-departed friend would often tell me, walking each other home. 

I don't think I have ever not been interested in the stars. I began to practise the art of Astrology at a young age and by my twenties I felt comfortable casting charts (by hand in those days) and reading them for friends. The advent of the internet offered many opportunities to follow online courses in various aspects of Astrology which continued to add to what I had learnt through reading and practice.  I continue to be amazed by the information one can get by reading charts.  

As a 12th House Leo Sun, I prefer to work behind the scenes. However, my progressed Mercury (Lord of my chart and also my MC) just went into Scorpio, squares my Midheaven (which, at 29° Cancer 50' is about to change sign), so maybe Mercury, the planet to do with communication, needs to be given a public voice. There's also a touch of my progressed Moon at 25° Taurus (Algo - wild female energy) that needs channeling! 

So there you have it.  Let's see where this takes us. 


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