The Moon, Algol and Jupiter are hanging out together today....
I read
something interesting today, on Smiljana Gavroncic’s FaceBook page. Smiljana is
an amazing astrologer from Serbia whose work is very interesting because she
collects details and puts all the threads together to weave a narrative
explaining how the stars affect us humans. As above so below.
Very simply
put, she wrote that today, Sunday 29th August 2021, the Moon will
occupy a degree in the zodiac which is also shared by the fixed star Algol. This
star is found in the constellation Perseus and has been recognised to be the
most malevolent fixed star out there. Today, the Moon and Algol form a
challenging angle of 90° to the planet Jupiter.
Why is this
significant? Well, to begin with, astrology is about finding patterns. When two
points in the sky form an aspect (usually angles of 90° - a square, 180° - an opposition, or even 0° - a conjunction where they occupy
the same portion of sky in the zodiac) this is something we should pay
attention to. So let’s break this down.
1. The Moon today is conjunct the fixed
star Algol which lies at 26°Taurus. The Moon represents the feminine, and Algol carries the myth of
Medusa from Greek mythology. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun, so it
throws light on Algol’s link to Medusa. You can read her story here:
Perhaps Medusa’s story talks of how we lose wisdom when we are enraged.
We literally just lose our heads, just like Medusa.
2. The planet Jupiter is a benefic,
which means that he bestows good fortune and abundance. He can also go
overboard – what we call ‘overkill’. Jupiter represents knowledge, justice, the
law, books, publishing, in short, anything which can take you beyond your own
3. So a connection between a Moon/Algol with Jupiter could speak of an angry woman/energy who/which wields the law for its own purposes.
Smiljana Gavroncic
mentions that what is justice for some may not be justice for others .Algol dispenses
justice with a double-edged sword. Someone will gain power just as someone will
lose power, or their head.
upcoming eclipse on the 19th November is a lunar eclipse and is
interesting to those of us who like to interpret the skies. Astrologers have
forever taken note of eclipses as harbingers of change, and, to give an
example, in the past, solar eclipses were seen as particularly ominous as it
endangered the wellbeing of the king or ruler. Long ago in China, a commoner
was place on the throne for the duration of the eclipse and subsequently killed
when it ended, taking eclipse energy with him, and thus protecting the emperor.
Lunar eclipses
were also seen as signs of tumultuous times. The 19th November lunar
eclipse occurs near the fixed star Algol. Joe Biden is a leader, with Kamala
Harris as his second-in-command. Way back in 2018, Smiljana predicted that a
woman of colour would be in charge in the White House ( . Although she predicted that the
then future president of the United States would carry a female energy, it was
Joe Biden who became the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. Just
as she had predicted that Donald J.Trump would win the Oval Office in 2016,
once Biden’s nomination had been confirmed, it was Kamala Harris whom Biden chose
as his running mate.
Why is this
important? Well, the upcoming lunar eclipse in November carries some Algol
energy with it. Astrologers always look at the astrological charts of world
leaders to see whether there are connections between that chart and their own.
Biden’s and Harris’s charts are worth watching, apparently. Changes are
indicated in the US around the second half of November and those changes could
affect US leaders.
For a more
detailed read on the astrology of Kamala Harris, read here.
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