New Moon in Capricorn 2022


We will hardly have had time to get over the New Year’s celebrations when 2022 is ushered in with a Capricorn New Moon. This new moon heralds in the new year with a Sun-Moon conjunction at 12 degrees of Capricorn after sunset on the 2nd January at 19:33hrs. Significant is the nice and easy trine to the eccentric Uranus at 10 degrees of Taurus, which tells us that if we want to do things differently, the energy of this new moon is available to yours and sundry. All you need is some motivation to go for it, after all, the New Moon phase is a great time to get your plan into action.   

With a Leo ascendant, the ruler of this chart is the Sun king himself, who, by virtue of being in the very organised and business-like Capricorn will find not objection to getting the house in order after two weeks of focusing on how to survive the festivities. That’s where Uranus steps in: out-of-the-box, pro-social attitudes towards responsibility (hey, the Sun King is in Capricorn, so Saturn has a say in how things get done, right?). So, what is Saturn doing? Yes, the Sun is king at all times, but when he is not in his own sign, he gets to pay homage to the ruler of the zodiac sign he is in, in this case, Saturn (which rules Capricorn – and Aquarius if you go by traditional astrology).

Saturn in the 7th house of relationships (business or otherwise) at the moment of the New Moon tells us about taking responsibility for what we seek in others. We might also look to others to help us find the ability to be practical about how we relate. Fixed stars which connect with Saturn on the New Moon day are Acubens and Al Rescha – and it must be stressed that this is local to Malta.

Acubens is the alpha star in the constellation of Cancer and is linked to the scarab of Ancient Egypt. It is connected to the gateways of heaven and earth in Ancient Egyptian lore.

Al Rescha, also called ‘the knot’, is called so because this star connects the two fishes in the zodiac sign of Pisces. The nature of this star is gentle and dons the ability to make connections between two unrelated things/issues.

Putting this all together, we have a New Moon in a brand new year. We have Uranus at the highest point of the sky making a 90 degree aspect to Saturn; this in itself is a challenge and speaks of the challenge of being different or conforming. The Sun makes a nice trine (120 degrees) to Uranus, so we have the ability to tap into being outside the box. How is this best used? Adding the fixed stars dynamic to this we just may be called to make connections with ourselves and others and bring the heavens to earth.

I hope you enjoy reading this.



Post Script:

It has been brought to my attention that this New Moon occurs with an out-of-bounds Moon; this signifies the Moon energy is 'wild' - a bit like the joker card in the pack of cards.  The out-of-the-box thinking mentioned in my article above now becomes accelerated to the enth degree. Anything can happen! 


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