Meetup of Two Giants in the Sky!


Ever wondered what it is like when two giants meet? Well, brace yourselves: Jupiter and Neptune have been getting closer to each other (in terms of zodiacal degrees) and today they are exact in the sign of Pisces! When two planets conjoin each other (occupy the same space of sky) - particularly when one involves the outer planets, then this is something we take note of. 

Jupiter has a 12 year orbit around this Sun. In astrology, Jupiter is one of the benefic planets and has an expansive energy. Wherever this planet is in your chart, it dons an optimistic vibe and also an expansive one: if Jupiter connects with Mercury, communication is going to be expanded in some way, depending on the placement in the chart and the sign it is in. 

Neptune has a 165 year orbit around the Sun. In astrology, Neptune represents the nebulous, our dreams, and also illusions and disillusions. It is also one of the gas giants.

Surely, every 12 years or so, Jupiter will 'catch' Neptune on its way around the Sun, but it is only once every 165 years (Earth years, that is) that these two planets will 'meet' in the zodiac sign of Pisces, a sign they both rule. So what does it signify when it does? Well, if we put what we know about Jupiter and Neptune together, we get 'a lot of' (Jupiter) something to do with dreams, illusions, disillusions and all to do with Piscean issues - spirituality, or letting go of something. 

If we would like to know how this gets played out, we should look at what was happening on the world stage 165 years ago, when these two planets met in Pisces. Way back in March 1856, the Treaty of Paris was signed, signifying the end of the Crimean (!!) War. Some weeks later, again in Paris, The Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law was signed. Interesting that both events were connected to Paris, and that Neptune is god of the sea. These two events were both connected, by the way. But what's with Paris, France? Looking at the chart of France (the 5th Republic, established on the 6th October 1958, at 6:30pm CET, as stated by Nicholas Campion), we find.... yes... Jupiter and Neptune close together, in the zodiac sign of Scorpio.


Jump forward to 2022, and we find that at the moment, France is electing a president: Emanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are both contenders. Without going into detail about their respective birth charts, it seems that both of them have challenging aspects when comparing their charts to the chart of the partial solar eclipse on the 30th April 2022. Whilst Le Pen appears to be facing big challenges presented by this eclipse chart, it is Macron who seems to have the theme of 'loss' running through the chart: his natal Moon is 'hit' by the eclipse and Pluto, the planet of loss and transformation, is on the ascendant, suggesting personal transformation. 

On a personal level, this Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is about combining the mystical aspects of Neptune with the creativity of Jupiter. This conjunction occurs at 24 degrees of Pisces, so if you have a personal planet at 24 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius, this will affect your chart. It's all about being the best version of what you dreamed yourself to be or to aspire to. A word of caution, however; Neptune dissolves whilst Jupiter expands and therefore opportunities can be 'pie in the sky' stuff. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this. 




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