New Moon in Aires and a pope!
Look at that title - Freudian slip! I realised when proofreading what I'd written - and decided to leave it. Clue. Guess who was born in Buenos Aires? Read on.
Apologies for not getting this information out to you on time. Life sometimes takes over and you have to stop and get your breath.
The planet's path crossed the first point of Aries on the 20th of March at 16:33 and yesterday we had our New Moon in Aries. On top of that, we also have the head of the Holy Catholic Church visiting us this weekend. Let's have a look at what narrative the sky is giving us.
New Moons are always about seeding; this is where you get to start something new, a project, perhaps, or just an intention, which then culminates at the Full Moon. You might not be well acquainted with astrological charts, but to explain just a little bit about charts, there are two angles which astrologers give much importance to: the line that runs from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock is called the ascendant, and the line which runs from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock (roughly) is called the Midheaven/Zenith axis. These are the angles in the chart and are very important. The ascendant shows us what the world sees first; so you could be a Gemini, for example, but if you have Saturn 'on' the ascendant, you would show the characteristics of a Saturnian person to the world - organised, practical and down to earth. This New Moon chart has Uranus on the ascendant. Granted, the New Moon is not a person, but it does tell us that something 'unusual' is on the cards, something perhaps 'out of this world' is being seeded this new moon. Also notice that Jupiter is slowly approaching Neptune (look at the 'trident'- that's Neptune; Jupiter is what looks like a number 4). Also staring us in the face is Pluto on the Midheaven (highest point in the chart/sky). Mars, Saturn and Venus are close together in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Clearly, something powerful is being seeded her, something unusual and with tremendous implications. The planets are all in one corner of the sky, which tells us that this is a very focused energy. Now let's look at the pope's birth chart; here I will comment briefly.
The birth chart of Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis I, shows us that he is a Sagittarius Sun with the ruler being the Moon (Cancer ascendant). The nature of a Cancer rising person (how the world sees you) is that he is a caring person whose ideas (Aquarius) are meant to soothe and nurture others. Rather than giving an in-depth analysis here, there is a rather good one you can access on this site:
This is a huge thing in Malta - this is the land St. Paul landed on in 60 CE, so we pride ourselves in being a land of Christian values (!) that goes back practically two millennia.
What is interesting is that in the New Moon chart, that Uranus is at 9 o'clock - that is, on the ascendant; it is visible. The pope is visible.
Also, I refer back to that position of Pluto at around 27 degrees of Capricorn. In a blog entry dated Dec 2021 ( you might note that this area of the zodiac (last degrees of Capricon) is 'Pluto' sensitive. I'll just leave this here; sometimes things make sense at another time.
It appears that whatever we're seeding, it's different (Uranus, right, was anything but conventional) and might shake a few foundations. So look at what you're seeding, and see if you are shaking some old structures (I know I am).Again, apologies for being a day late, but everything happens for a reason, I think.
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