A supercharged Full Moon tonight!


And what a Full Moon this is! On Monday, the 19th of August, the Sun will oppose the Moon in what is the Full Moon cycle. As the Sun is still transiting the zodiac sign of Leo, the Full Moon will occur in Aquarius at 27 degrees. And oh, what a supercharged Full Moon it is - but more about that later. Hold onto your seats! 

At this time, the Moon is at maximum reflecting capacity of the Sun's light which is a little like telling us that we should reflect on events and feelings (after all, the Moon is representative of our emotional nature) of the previous 14 days. 

This is an Aquarius Moon which opposes a Leo Sun. These two signs are polar opposites. Lets have a look at what these two signs represent. 

 Leo represents our solar nature and its mythology is rooted in Ancient Greece. It tells of the Nemean Lion, a fearsome creature that Heracles - Hercules - had to defeat as part of his twelve labours. The Nemean Lion had an impenetrable hide, making it invulnerable to weapons. Heracles eventually managed to kill the lion by strangling it with his bare hands. Leo, therefore is about courage, strength and intelligence and what it means to be a 'king', or an individual who is recognised by those around her/him as being worthy of being a unique and special individual, almost royal-like. 

Taken from Wikipedia
Aquarius, on the other hand, is a sign associated with the collective (which contrasts with the notion of the individual as seen with the sign of Leo). This zodiac sign was listed in Babylonian star catalogues (yes! It goes that far back!) and represents the god Ea, commonly depicted has holding a water vase. 
This sign is associated with floods in both accounts of Babylonian and Greek myths. In the Greek myth, Ganymede, a beautiful young Trojan prince, was abducted by the god Zeus who transformed himself into an eagle, swooping down to take him to Mount Olympus, where he became 'cup-bearer- to the gods. Thus, the idea of being a Leo-like person to become someone who serves the collective totally represents the Aquarian idea. 
These are the two polarities present in this FM's chart. Not only that, but practically each planet is involved in one aspect or another. Let's start with the first one, the Full Moon itself. 
Leo Sun opposite Aqua Moon square Uranus

When two planets are opposite each other, and both of them are 90 degrees away from the third planet, it forms what is called a T-square. So think of it like a seesaw where the energy of the opposition can be channelled to the third point, only this third point is Uranus the rebel in Taurus. This is difficult energy to channel; it is not emotional, it is impulsive and chaotic. 

Saturn square Jupiter and Mars
Another aspect is that of Saturn square the Mars/Jupiter conjunction. Saturn restricts whilst Jupiter expands optimistically (aided and abetted by Mars' energy). This produces a level of behaviour characterised by impulsivity. 

Bear in mind that Uranus is also stirring up a storm. 

1. in yellow - Venus opposite Saturn, and,
2.in red.  Finger of Fate involving Pluto, Neptune
and the Sun/Mercury
We also have a Venus/Saturn aspect in opposition which tells us of about tension in relationships which could be  worked on if both are willing. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of all is what astrologers call the 'Finger of Fate' or a yod. The thing about yods is that it consists of a pair of planets, Pluto almost opp Sun, Neptune almost opp Sun (150 degrees). It gives off the feeling that 'hey, this can't be worked out; I have no choice - it's fate'. The Sun in Leo (backed by Mercury, which is retrograde by the way) is fated to do what Leos do. The very odd thing about this yod (another word for 'Finger of Fate' is that the Moon lies at the very heart of this yod, equidistant from Pluto and Saturn

Chart of the USA
So you can see (I'm so tempted to write "gentle readers" ha ha....  try reading this in a Julie Andrews voice) that today's Full Moon is supercharged. 

As a matter of interest, astrologers' eyes are on the politics of the United States as the DNC opens this very day. First of all, the Moon in the chart of the United States of America is at 27 degrees of Aquarius (same degree as today's Full Moon). Okay - what does that mean? Well, it does highlight the fact that the mood in the US at the moment seems to be - erm - a little chaotic. 

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have something going on at 27 degrees of something; VP Harris has her natal Saturn at 27 Aqua (bingo) whilst President Biden has his natal Sun and Venus at 27 and 28 Scorpio respectively, square this Full Moon. In the meantime, President Trump's natal Mars  is at 26*46 of Leo - which is where the Sun is now. Remember - that yod pointing towards the Sun and Mercury?  On the one hand we have the myths of Leo and Aquarius being played out. Who is the king (Leo) and who is serving the people (Aquarius)? Then we have the Finger of Fate.... coupled with the potential for chaos as a result of hurriedly made decisions to act. How is this going to be played out? Sit back and buckle up! 

I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Before signing off, I would just like to let you know that the New Moon post may not be posted as I shall be away from my laptop. 



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