The French Presidential Elections, Macron and the Partial Solar Eclipse


I make no bones about it, I waited for the results of the French presidential elections with baited breath; there's too much going on in Europe and a radical change, to my mind, in the EU family, might have proven too much for stability of the union. You may not agree with me, and that is fine. 'As above, so below' is what astrology holds. Human doings is but a reflection of the skies, this is the way astrology works. So let's look at why Emanuel Macron was possibly favoured over Marine Le Pen. 

Monsieur Macron has an interesting chart. His natal Sun is at the end degree of Sagittarius conjunct Mercury at 29 degrees, a position which astrologers hold to be something intense, the peak of Sagittarian energy. 

Another very, very, interesting aspect in Macron's chart is the Moon-Uranus opposition. The Moon usually represents how one responds emotionally. With a Taurus Moon, he values physical security and tries to provide that security for others. With Uranus opposite, there is going to be some element of eccentricity tied in with that, or something unusual. The Moon can also represent the woman/mother figure. We do know that his marriage to Brigitte is certainly not the typical marriage, and his atypical Moon is just that! 

Pluto is currently positioned at 28 degrees of Capricorn, the degree of Macron's ascendant; this typically means his life will change dramatically. Having just won the French Presidential Elections, he will certainly face challenges now. 

Let's move to the upcoming partial Solar Eclipse coming up on the 30th April 2022. When you compare the two charts (solar eclipse and Macron's), you can see how the solar eclipse chart touched his chart. Firstly, you can see Solar Eclipse Pluto at nine o'clock - that's the eastern horizon. The outer chart is that of the solar eclipse (New Moon) which occurs at 10 degrees of Taurus. Yes, that's right, very close to Macron's natal Moon. More interesting is the repetition of the Uranus 'signature' in the chart. The Solar Eclipse Uranus is at 14 degrees of Taurus, exactly on Macron's natal Moon. Uranus in the solar eclipse chart is exactly opposite his natal Uranus, meaning that Macron is currently experiencing his Uranus opposition.

Uranus takes 84 years to return to its natal position, and at opposition, which happens at around 42 years of age, and represents a surge of great energy. If used correctly, it can be channelled. If not, it can also represent 'revolution' whether a personal one (such as a midlife crisis) or, because he is the leader of a country, a different kind of revolution (remember, Pluto is currently transiting his ascendant - drastic change) may be brewing. 

We can only wait and see. 

I hope you enjoy this article. 




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