A Total Lunar Eclipse 16 May 2022


Today's lunar eclipse is also a Full Moon, and it is happening in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Full Moons occur when the Sun is opposite the Moon and therefore we can surmise that  Sun is currently transiting the sign of Taurus. Hence, the sun throws all its light onto the moon, which then reflects it to Earth. Enter the Moon's Nodes: This is where the Moon's orbital path crosses the ecliptic (the equator projected out into space).  A full moon elipse can only occur when the Moon is within 15 degrees of the lunar nodes. If it is exactly on the nodal point, then the eclipse is a total one. 

Added to that is the fact that the Moon's orbital path is not circular, but elliptical. This means that there are times when the Moon is closer to Earth than at other times. Today is such a day - so apart from a total Full Moon eclipse, this Full Moon is also at perigee (closer to Earth) and therefore will appear bigger. (image credit:Nasa)

A whole lot has been written about solar eclipses and how they can denote change in dramatic ways. Simply put, see in which house a solar eclipse is happening (astro-speak) and that area of activity could probably see some unforeseen changes in one's life. 

Lunar eclipses are different in that, although they do denote change, it is in the inner landscape that it may occur, especially if it aspects one of the planets or the angles. 

This is a Full Moon in Scorpio at 25 degrees. If you have a planet at 25 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo, then you could experience a sudden change of heart, or something occurs which requires you to take a different position on something. This is Scorpio we are talking about, so perhaps some secret/information comes to light. 

Let's take Queen Elizabeth II's chart. It is remarkable how Saturn is at the top of her chart and conjunct the Midheaven (highest point in the sky) as it surely represents that she is CEO of her 'firm'. It indicates that she takes responsibility seriously in her house of career. Today's Lunar Eclipse falls on her MC (midheaven) and as we're talking about Scorpio (secrets and business, among other things), perhaps something about her will come to light, something that requires a change. She is 96 years old, after all. 

Malta's National Chart also takes a hit. Looking at the Independence Chart, one can see that the Lunar Eclipse falls on Malta's Jupiter at 26 degrees. Jupiter in the 11th house is about extending one's circle of friends and Jupiter in Taurus is about increasing one's wealth or resources. Saying that some truth will come to light is nothing new as journalists are continuously revealing something new nowadays. However, the idea that something will be revealed, something hidden, still holds. 

Enjoy the view tonight! 




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