New Moon in Cancer and Robert Schuman's birthday!


Welcome to the New Moon in Cancer which occurred early this morning, on a day known to us Maltese as L-Imnarja, or Luminaries. This is essentially a farming tradition which goes back centuries, according to sources. The word 'luminaries' indicates this was a festival of 'lights' of some sort, bonfires and candles would be lit to mark the successful harvest. 

Today's New Moon is all about communication, both interpersonal and intrapersonal. The ruler of the chart is Mercury (which rules Gemini) and if you look at the chart, Mercury is just above the eastern horizon, indicating that it has just risen (nine o' clock in the chart). That area is what astrologers mark out as the 12th house, which tells us that Mercury the informer/messenger is working behind the scenes. 

The Sun and Moon occupy 7 degrees of Cancer, where the fixed star Mirzam is found. This star lies in Canis Major and carries the energy of an 'announcer', in that it announces the rising of Sirius, the alpha star in Canis Major.

So what is this chart telling us about this new lunar cycle? Firstly, the Moon is out-of-bounds, and therefore has something of a 'wild card' feel. Secondly, communication, announcing and speaking your own personal truth (and therefore here we are talking about being in touch with our deepest selves; Mercury in the 12th house) is going to be on the cards for the next two weeks (until the Full Moon). Alas, the Moon being a wild card may mean that we may get a cold reception by speaking up, announcing, saying what we feel. Sun/Moon squares Jupiter and therefore we must remember not to get over optimistic (or should I say 'opti-mystic'?). Still, it is  an excellent time to 'be YOU'. 

Notable birthdays today: Robert Schuman was a politician from Luxembourg, born on the 29th June 1886. He was active in politics prior to the Second World War.  During the Second World War, he saw action as part of the French Resistance, and following that, he held a series of top-level posts, eventually drawing up the 'Schumann Declaration' designed to unite Europe and prevent further wars ( 

His chart speaks volumes: Pluto sits on the Ascendant - this is a person who will be seen as a power player in some way. His Sun is at 7 degrees Cancer (well today would have been his birthday) and it squares Uranus, which tells us that although he is a nurturing type (Cancer), he also is going to want to do things his own way. Sun and Saturn are close together, indicating that he is going to want to do things in a structured and calculated way. Moon and Venus are at the end of Taurus, hidden away in the 12th house (doing things underground, literally - the Resistance). Wow. Interesting chart. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this. 




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