New Moon in Libra
The New Moon in Libra occurs on Sunday 25th September at 23:54. This New Moon at 2 degrees of Libra occurs just after the equinox on the 21st, where the daylight and night enjoy equal hours.
Libra itself is a sign of balance, as represented by the Scales. This idea of balance probably stems from the notion that the Sun, having traversed the six zodiac signs which track the development of the individual, is now in the first sign devoted to the development of the collective.
In astrology, the sign of Libra denotes action with the significant other, business or otherwise. Libra's ruling planet is Venus, which is about how we relate to others. Anyone who is born under the sign of Libra, or indeed, has Libra as their rising sign, would look to where Venus is in their chart and whether it makes an aspect to another planet. Let's see what Venus is doing in this New Moon Chart. The New Moon occurs in the fourth house, the house of the home, or the clan, something that you inherit from your parents/guardians. Venus is also in the fourth house, sitting very close to Mercury and opposing Neptune.Picture this; you are Venus and because you would like to aspire to a career which is also your passion (Neptune in the 10th house of career), you consult Mercury, who, by virtue of being in his own sign (Virgo) is perfectly placed to give you critical advice. Venus needs this guidance as she is not sure what to do; in Virgo, Venus is not in a powerful position as she is in 'fall', meaning that she has fallen from power, and needs support.
Mercury, however, is doing its backwards walk (retrograde) which means that it's mulling over past events, a kind of internal auditing. Still, he's able to guide Venus. She definitely needs it as, sometimes, Neptune (idealism) can lead to disillusion.
So this New Moon offers you the opportunity to set your intentions. If you do aspire to do something, remember to rely on your common sense too, but don't forget that magic can happen when Neptune is involved.
Have a good day!
PS: Yes, this is a little brief - preparing for the classroom!
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