New Moon and a partial eclipse...


Tempus fugit, the saying goes. October is one busy month for me as I settle into a routine involving lesson plannng, meal planning and optimising sleep. Teaching is like that. However, I couldn't pass up writing something small about today's New Moon in Scorpio. It's a partial eclipse, to boot! 

If you look at the chart, you'll notice that at the top are the glyphs for Venus, the Sun, the Moon and Mercury. This is a highly intense eclipse, given that it has a Scorpio vibe, but what is interesting is that the position of Venus at exactly the same degree as the Sun and Moon seems to indicate that it's all about her too. 

Which brings me to last months article. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I decided to write a little about the position of Venus in the charts of President Putin and King Charles III. Venus figures much in  this eclipse chart and here she is in the sign of Scorpio. 

Venus is the planet usually associated with beauty, charm and also money. She is not at her most powerful in this fixed water sign, as astrologers would tell you, one reason being that she is opposite her 'home' sign of Taurus (yes she also rules Libra). Scorpio is all about dark secrets, revenge - remember that waters (Scorpio is a water sign) which are 'fixed' (think don't move) become stagnant and therefore emotions (water) can fester. 

Eclipses portend change. I've written about this before. The daily rising and setting of the sun, and its illumination, was considered to be something of great importance in the ancient world, so one can imagine how horrific its being eclipsed by the Moon was considered to be. 

This New Moon is also a partial solar eclipse, so the Sun will not be totally obscured. Still, have a look at your chart and see where 2 degrees of Scorpio is, and which house it occurs in. Then have a look to see which sphere of activity is associated with that house. This chart should help (courtesy of 

Going back to Mr Putin and King Charles, it is interesting to note that both these men receive 'hits' with this eclipse at 2 degrees of Scorpio. Mr P's recognised chart has an ascending degree of 4 degrees of Scorpio, suggesting that the way he presents himself to the world, or his world view, might well be changed. With Venus on that 2 degrees of Scorpio, this could be about money.  King Charles, on the other hand, could see change which affects what he carries on behalf of his clan. With Venus involved, this could be about being harmonious and continuity. I'd also watch out for Prince Harry, who has some interesting stuff going on with this eclipse.  Note the use of 'might' and 'could', because astrology is just that - a language of possibilities. 

I hope you enjoyed this article. 



PS - published a day late... apologies!! 


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