Goodbye 2022!


There are forty-five minutes left to the old year and I thought I'd put fingers to keypad and quickly jot down a few thoughts. This old year has gone out with a trio of departures, that of Pope Benedict, Vivienne Westwood and the legendary Pele'. To be honest, when I heard that the faithful were asked to pray for Pope Ratzinger, I recalled an article written by the astrologer Bernadette Brady regarding the fixed stars in his chart. Brady wrote that his natal Jupiter near his rising sign had the markings of a spiritual leader, and that although he would rise to prominence, the chart indicated that his 'success' would be compromised in some way. She wrote this around the year 2006, years before his resignation. 

Well, this prompted me to look at the position of Jupiter in the charts of Vivienne Westwood and also Pele' (that's what astrologers do, they look for patterns in charts). This is not to say that this would in any way indicate any prediction of death - astrologers do not do that. Both Westwood and Pele's Jupiter, like Pope Ratzinger's, tell a story. 

First things first, both Pele' and Westwood were born in the same year, so if follows that in both charts, Jupiter would be in a similar degree placement. Here, both charts show Jupiter to be in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is a steady sign, and is associated with the element of earth. Both charts have Jupiter close to the planet Saturn. Jupiter is a benefic and is purported to bring luck to the house it resides in. Jupiter in Taurus speaks of luck, wealth and steady progress. Both charts show Saturn to be close to Jupiter, which 'slows' this down somewhat - Saturn is concerned with constriction and responsibility. Both Westwood and Pele' worked hard (Saturn) and were practical with their financial responsibilities. And just to make it a little more interesting, all three have the planet Uranus playing a part too: Pope Benedict's Uranus is at zero degrees of Aries - where Jupiter is at the moment, whilst Pele's and Westwood's Uranus is linked to Mercury, which marks them as somewhat brilliant or outside-the-box in some capacity.

In case you haven't noticed, the night of the 29th was a spectacular one. Shortly after sunset, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were visible in the night sky. Jupiter was right up there, with the Moon. Jupiter is the one that looks like the number 4. 
It seems that Jupiter wanted to tell us its story before the year ended. 
Happy New Year everyone. Let's hope it is good to us. 


  1. Happy New Year Cindy another lovely article


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