What's this Pluto in Aquarius all about?
Pluto in Aquarius: Revolutionizing the Future
Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, takes approximately 248 years to orbit the Sun, spending around 20 years in each sign. On the 23rd March 2023, Pluto will enter Aquarius, marking a significant shift in the way astrologers look at and interpret astrological charts with this new placement.
Aquarius is the sign of innovation, technology, and social
change. It is associated with progress, revolution, and unconventional ideas.
When Pluto, the planet of power and intensity, enters Aquarius, it brings with
it a wave of transformative energy that will challenge the status quo and push
us towards a more progressive future.
At the same time, some believe that Pluto in Aquarius will bring a focus on
technology and its impact on society. With Pluto in this sign, we can expect to
see a greater emphasis on digital innovation and the ways in which technology
can be used to create positive change (a more positive Aquarian trait). This may include advancements in areas
such as renewable energy, AI, and social media.
However, Pluto in Aquarius can also bring challenges. Aquarius is a sign that values individual freedom and independence, and Pluto's intense energy can sometimes lead to power struggles and conflicts around these issues. As we navigate this transit, it will be important to find a balance between individuality and the collective good, and to work towards solutions that benefit everyone. How many times have you read, "I have the right to my own opinion!" when that opinion many endanger the collective good? Think of the ills of social media and the havoc it sometimes causes. In the words of one of my students, with a knife, you can both hurt or cook a good meal.
Another theme of Pluto in Aquarius is the idea of breaking down old structures and creating new ones. This may involve rethinking traditional systems of power and authority, and finding new ways to organize ourselves as we work towards creating a more equitable and just society.
Overall, Pluto in Aquarius is a time of profound transformation
and growth. It is a time to embrace innovation, challenge the status quo, and
work towards a more equitable and sustainable future. Hopefully, by harnessing the power
of collective action and technology, positive change that
benefits everyone will be created by us, and pave the way for a more just and compassionate world.
I hope you enjoyed reading this,
March blessings,
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