Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Phoenix
A Full Moon graces the skies in the early hours of Sunday 4th June at 5:41am. This occurs just before sunrise, and sets the tone for the next two weeks. Full Moons are usually seen as a time when the intentions set at the Full Moon bloom.
A Full Moon is, as another astrologer, Jessica Adams, put it, a full stop. it is time to stop and look back. This is the reason why new seeds are never sown at full moon time, but at new moon. Traditionally, astrologers never advised new plans to be implemented at that time.
A Full Moon in Sagittarius receives light from the Sun in Gemini, the zodiac sign associated with all forms of communication and also with siblings and short journeys. If you look at the chart for this Full Moon, you can see that the Sun was rising, making this chart ruled over by Mercury (which rules Gemini). Mercury is currently in Taurus and one degree away from Uranus, the planet representing innovation, eccentricity, revolution and inspirational thinking. Mercury itself is about communication, and as both planets are in Taurus, they ruled the area of life to do with values and money. This is set for Malta time, so when I say that these two planets aspect the Midheaven (that which is public), it is specifically for Malta. Let's put it this way, because these two planets are in the 12th house, that which is hidden, on a national level, the public sentiment (10th house) is challenging that which is hidden (12th house) concerning issues to do with inspirational thinking concerning what is valued, or money issues.
Moving onto Fixed Star astrology, the fixed star Ankaa is the heliacal rising star for this period in this part of the world. Ankaa is a star in the constellation Phoenix, which is all about rising from the ashes. The Moon in a mundane chart represents the emotions of the people, so a 7th house Moon speaks of trying to find a balance between running away from the issues (Sagittarius seeks information further afield, never really confronting what is in front of you) whilst a Gemini Sun seeks to communicate. Ankaa throws light on this by letting us know that we need to look back, reflect and deal with it.
The constellation Phoenix as depicted in Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr's Atlas Coelestis, ca. 1742 |
On a personal level, today's full moon tells us to pause for a moment and look back at the intentions you set at the New Moon two weeks ago. With that Mercury/Uranus conjunction, you should be able to gain some inspirational insight from deep within. Apply that to creating a balance between how you could be coming across to others. There is a lovely trine between Venus and Neptune, which adds a softness and sensitivity to the whole picture. Remember that Ankaa is all about rising from the ashes (just like the phoenix), so you may just be able to create something more beautiful from something you thought to have slipped from your hands.
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