New Moon in Gemini and a Titan Submersible


This blog post will probably get to you a little bit late. You know how it is, it's June and I'm marking student papers. You know how it is when you work in Education. 

Early on Sunday morning, on the 18th of June, the Moon and the Sun conjoined in what is termed a New Moon at 26 degrees of Gemini. Gemini is the 3rd zodiac sign and is associated with communication, short travel and siblings. It can also refer to scholastic education - and maybe that's why I'm marking  papers at this time of the year. Although June usually marks the end of the academic year for most students, a new moon in Gemini is a very good time to sow seeds for the coming year. Usually it is seen as an excellent time to plan for the future. However, this new moon also contains a square (90 degrees) to Neptune, which we know is the planet associated with illusions and deceptions. 

Let's look at it bit by bit....First of all, the New Moon squares that Neptune in Pisces at 27 degrees. That is the exaltation degree of the planet Venus; in astro lingo, this is where Venus is at her most potent. Around the time of the New Moon, the submersible began its journey to the depths of the ocean (Neptune). Any 90 degree angle aspect speaks of a challenge....which we now know was actually more of a challenge than anticipated. Just one hour and 45 minutes after beginning its descent, communication between the submersible and the command vessel was lost. And where were they headed for? A view of the Titanic. Read below.

So what astrologers like to do is to compare charts to see if there are any aspects between planets in two (or more ) charts. 

On the left you can see two charts; the inner ring is part of the chart of the sinking of the Titanic on the 15th April 1912 at 02:38 in the Atlantic Ocean. The outer ring shows the positions of some of the planets of the New Moon of the 18th June. Note that in the Titanic chart, the Moon is where Neptune is today - 27 degrees of Pisces. Pluto, the god of the underworld, is where the New Moon of the 18th June is. Remember - the Moon rules water, oceans and seas. 

To that, add the 'wild card' in the New Moon Chart: the Moon is 'out-of-bounds' which in astrological language means this - when the Moon's declination is beyond the 23*27 mark north or south, then it is, in a manner of speaking, out of control.

Another interesting fact is that the fixed star El Nath was the star that rose with the sun on the 9th of June, and is the fixed star radiating its influence at the time of the submersible's journey to the depths of the ocean. The submersible is called Titan, one of the names of Saturn's moons, by the way. El Nath is a star in the constellation, currently positioned at around 23 degrees of Gemini, very close to the New Moon of the 18th June 2023. This star is found the constellation Taurus, in the Bull's horns, and is traditionally associated with power over the waters. Bernadette Brady, in her book "Fixed Stars", tells us that it "can symbolise a great and terrible weapon, a potentially destructive skill that can be used to destroy or to give life" (p.235).

Titan is one of Saturn's moons; Saturn is currently transiting the zodiac sign of Pisces, associated with water, seas and oceans. This planet has just stationed: this means that it is about to do its backwards work - retrograde - meaning that it will appear to move backwards from the position of us natives on Earth. Saturn appears to stop moving, if you like, in Pisces (water/ocean/sea).

The connections are there. One can only hope that something good will come of this.

Again, apologies for posting this late, but hopefully the information presented here makes up for its tardiness. 




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