Full Moon in Aquarius and Venus the Evening Star

Tonight, just as the sun sinks below the western horizon, the moon will rise directly opposite the sun in the west in what we call the Full Moon. Full Moons, in astrology, symbolise the fruition of all those intentions we set at the New Moon roughly two weeks ago. This New Moon occurs at 9 degrees of Aquarius. 

Looking at the full moon chart, we notice that the Moon does not make any significant aspects to speak of to other points, but there are other things going on. Let's begin with the Mercury-Saturn opposition, the most prominent aspect in this chart. 

Mercury is the messenger, so this is about communication. This planet can represent many things; speech, for one. How do we communicate with ourselves, with the world? We do that through speech, sound or movement. Mercury is currently travelling through the sign of Virgo, a sign which it rules. In this sign, Mercury takes on the discriminating aspect, separating the wheat from the chaff (have you every wondered why the sign for Virgo is represented by a young woman with a shaft of wheat). She is associated with the gathering of the harvest.

Virgo is one of the three earth signs (together with Capricorn and Taurus). Having Mercury in Virgo is said to don the gift of an intellectual and pragmatic mind. 

Saturn opposite Mercury sets limits and boundaries on the ability to speak one's mind. In a natal chart, it can speak of someone whose  ability to communicate was stopped, controlled or stunted in some way. Perhaps the native was shown, early in life, that communication carried with it some responsibility. 

So, this Full Moon, whilst informing us that the intentions set two weeks ago will be highlighted, we need to be cautious (Saturn) in how we communicate those ideas (Mercury). 

The night sky also offers us some information. Last week, the planet Venus provided us with some spectacular sights. This photo was taken on the night of the 21st July 2023. The following day, Venus began her apparent backwards 'walk', known as retrograde motion. This phenomena occurs once every 18 months and lasts forty days, which is why the ancients paid attention to it. In this photo, Venus is seen in the evening sky, and was known to the ancients as 'Hesperus', meaning 'western'.  Another name for her was 'Vesper' (evening prayers?).This is her appearance as an evening star, though the word 'star' is inappropriate as we know she is a planet; the point here is that she was seen as a point of light. Her backwards movement ends on the 3rd September at 12 degrees of Leo, after which she will pass between the Earth and the Sun, disappearing for a little while, and returns as a morning star - Lucifer - the bringer of light, on the 24th October, at 14 degrees of Virgo. 

A point to ponder: the number forty, the number of days Venus is retrograde, figures greatly in the Old and New Testament. To ancient culture, this number is associated with tests and trials (forty days in the desert, the ancient Flood and Noah's ark), penance and redemption. There is so much information available regarding Venus as a sacred symbol in different ancient cultures around the world, which tells us that the ancients were avid sky watchers. 

Checking these two positions, 12 Leo and 14 Virgo, against the Malta chart, makes one ponder. How will this be played out? Transiting Venus reaches Malta's natal chart Venus on the 3rd September. Effectively, this is called a Venus Return, meaning that she will return to the same position as in the natal chart. Expect some event of national interest to catch our eye. On the 24th October, Venus will occupy the same degree as Malta's natal Pluto - the planet associated with death and transformation; a Venus/Pluto aspect can also be about money. Let's see how that gets played out. 

So, what's this Full Moon telling us lesser mortals? Check the intentions set two weeks ago, be cautious/responsible in the manner you express your thoughts. Avoid rushing things as the Full Moon Mars/Jupiter aspect speaks of excess enthusiasm. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this. 




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