The Power of this Pisces New Moon.
As we approach the spring equinox, we come to the last New Moon of the zodiacal year - the Pisces New Moon at 20 degrees, which will grace our skies at 10:00 this morning.
Pisces is the sign associated with the two fish swimming in opposite directions, signifying the quality of this sign. It is a water sign and also a mutable sign. What does this mean?
The zodiac signs are not only classified as being water, air, fire and earth signs (the four elements) but also distinguished by the qualities - cardinal, fixed and mutable. Thus, any of the zodiac signs will embody the permutations of these two classes; Capricorn, for example, is an earth sign with a cardinal quality. Earth signs are practical. Cardinal signs 'initiate' things, fixed signs maintain the status quo, whilst mutable signs are flexible and go with the flow. Thus, Capricorn natives are practical with initiating ideas. In the case of Pisces, the notion of two fish swimming in opposite directions is very apt as they embody the watery and mutable qualities.
Traditionally, Pisces is ruled over by Jupiter, who in this context is the shaman, the priest, the philosopher. Whereas Jupiter in Sagittarius is all about going out into the world to understand it, Jupiter in Pisces is about going within - hence its connection to the spiritual world. It is all about compassion, love and understanding - empathy at its best, being at one with everything. In a conversation with a fellow astrologer, many moons ago, we spoke about the difficulty of understanding the Pisces moon in a person's chart, when that person is your partner, due to the nature of its duality. This is because Pisces-influenced natives are highly receptive to the influence of moods and influence of others. You never know which way the fish will go.
This is quite an intense Pisces Moon. Firstly, new moons initiate phases. The overall quality of this lunar phase is one of focus, and we need to pay attention to the fact that all the planets are within three zodiac signs. Pluto is at 1 degree of Aquarius, followed by Venus and Mars. The Sun, Moon and Neptune are in Pisces, then we have Mercury in Aries. Jupiter is moving closer to Uranus in Taurus (but more about that in another post).
So what is the story being offered to us? If you look at the chart on the left, you should be able to see that this new moon is hugely influence by the square (ninety degrees, a hard aspect) between Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Although Mars has no special dignity in Aquarius (no special influence - it is not in a sign which offers more strength) it IS square to Uranus. This is explosive stuff. If the Pisces New Moon is about 'letting go' of the ego and being at one with all that is, then Mars/Uranus is certainly going to add fire power to that. To that picture you can add the soft aspect (a degree of harmony, the 60 degrees) between the Sun, Moon and Uranus. Uranus is also square the Midheaven, implying that this urge to change something with some speed will be visible.
On the right, you should also be able to see that Pluto and Mercury make an aspect of 60 degrees (harmonious). Mercury in Aries is in the domain of Mars (it rules Aries) and aided by Pluto (getting to the bottom of things), so whatever needs to be known will rise to the surface.
So although the Mars/Uranus square offers a challenge that needs to be overcome, the overall feeling is that there is enough energy to start afresh, do away with situations no longer consistent with one's lifestyle, backed by this energy of wanting to be independent. So sit down, focus on something that needs to be changed, and channel that energy into your project.
Here's something for us to chew on. For those of us who know who Joseph Muscat is (former Prime Minister of Malta), the upcoming lunar eclipse on the 25th March is going to affect his natal chart. Some years ago, when he resigned his position of PM, transiting Pluto was 'sitting' atop his natal Moon. Voices are whispering of his return to politics. If you look at the chart of the Lunar Eclipse (above), note the position of Pluto - at the exact moment of the eclipse it is on the Midheaven (highest point in the sky). Pluto at 1 degree of Aquarius (conjunct the fixed star Altair, no less) conjoins JM's natal Sun (2 degrees Aquarius). So - out with the moon, in with the sun? Furthermore, when he was elected leader of the incumbent party in power, Jupiter was conjunct his natal Sun. With this eclipse, it is conjunct his natal Mars. As if this wasn't enough, today's New Moon's chart has its Mars conjunct his natal Jupiter. I make no predictions but the signs are there.I hope you enjoyed reading this.
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