Full Moon in Scorpio tonight!


A full moon in Scorpio will grace our skies in the early hours of Wednesday 24th April. Full Moons represent the culmination of intentions set 14 days prior, in this case, at the New Moon on the 8th April, which was also a solar eclipse. That eclipse was associated with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, asking us to heal our inner wounds and transform them into our biggest strengths. 

This Full Moon is actually doubly emotionally charged. Firstly, Scorpio is a sign associated with secrets, other people's resources, death and rebirth. Secondly, the Moon is highly secretive - a bottomless sea - in this sign, so we could see emotions  running high at this time.  And there's more.....

To this, add the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter in the sign of Taurus. This meeting of two heavenly giants occurs every 14 years, so although the astrological community has been looking into this cycle. 

The last time this conjunction occurred was in June 2010, in the sign of Aries. Think back to 2010 and see if you were inspired to step outside your comfort zone and do something 'big'. 

This time around, this conjunction occurs in the sign of Taurus, a Venus-ruled sign so you may find yourself attaching new values to things, money or ideas, which is, perhaps, a continuation of the healing of that Achilles heel process gifted to us at last month's solar eclipse. Look at your birth chart and your Venus-ruled houses (Libra and Taurus) and see if anything is happening there. 

But hark! There is something deeper going on with tonight's Full Moon: the square to Pluto. Pluto never does anything by halves. It absolutely demands death and rebirth; the only difference is whether we go with the flow or resist. Yes, it does sound dramatic, doesn't it - but it could be a small change, something that snowballs into something huge. Pluto intensifies anything it touches, so combined with a Full Moon is quite powerful. 

Medusa by Arnold Böcklinc. 1878
Also watch out for your dreams - Pluto has a nasty habit of weeding out our most painful fears and bringing them into the open (which, I suspect, is the idea behind the myth of Medusa - when she saw her own reflection in ' shield). Take this time to record them in a journal as it is astounding what our own psyches can churn up at Full Moons, let alone when Pluto is involved. Oh the secrets it can churn up!

That's the sky story in a nutshell; emotions, intensity, flying rages, breaking out of the 'box', going where no man has gone before, new value systems. Exciting times, yes? 

I hope you enjoyed reading this. 




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