The Full Moon in May and Medusa


Welcome to the Full Moon in Sagittarius or the May Full Moon. May is such a pretty month in our Maltese calendar - not too hot, not too chilly (but also a little too 'sandy': the air is full of Saharan sand when the wind blows from the south).... in other words, just right. 

The Full Moon in Sag is a culmination of all that which was sown at the New Moon at 18 degrees of Taurus. In the May 8th New Moon chart, Jupiter was at the crucial degree of Algol, the most malefic star in the heavens - that of around 25 degrees of Taurus, which is where Malta's natal Jupiter lies. The star Algol is also known as the Medusa's head - and oh my, Jupiter (the Law Courts) has had a few heads rolling, though the story is not yet complete. Truth be told, 'as above, so below'; watching other news channels reveals that this is happening everywhere else in the world. Our island no different. 

So - what's the story for this Full Moon? Well - it's exam season isn't it? We're in Gemini, and it's no surprise that Mercury, the planet which rules Gemini, is all about knowledge. The sign opposite, Sagittarius, is about higher learning, an activity which extends your boundaries, so it can take the form of studying, travelling, as well as lawyers and horses. So last month's New Moon was about what you value (Taurus); now we acquire knowledge which enables us to move upwards. In the sky, our beloved Venus is conjunct Jupiter at 29 degrees, poised to enter Gemini very soon. 

The 29th degree of any sign is called the 'anaretic' degree, and represents completion; both Venus and Jupiter (both benefic planets) have acquired all the knowledge and experience that Taurus has to offer regarding resources, money and what we value in life, and will utilise that in Gemini, a sign associated with communication. 

The Full Moon is the culmination of intentions set at the New Moon, so have a quiet five minutes and become aware of all the possibilities that may come your way. Enjoy! 

I hope you enjoyed reading this. 




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