Vernal Equinox: Libra Ingress of the Sun


Welcome to the Libra Ingress of the Sun, the moment when the Sun enters the sign of Libra marking the beginning of what is termed Autumn (though in Malta we don't really have four seasons; we have two - hot and not so hot). 

In my last post, I remarked that things may get a little intense as three planets get to the anaretic degree - the 29th degree of a sign. Well, two and a half, if you like, as Uranus is at 27 degrees of Taurus. Nevertheless, I had to include it as it is close enough to make an aspect to both Pluto, Neptune and a faster-moving Venus. 

Let's have a look: the planets marked in light blue are either on or close to that anaretic degree. When a planet is on that degree - 29 degrees - it is poised to change sign. It has garnered all the experiences of the sign it has travelled through and will begin anew in the following sign. What does this mean - well it sorts of mean that things may come to a head. 

There is a lot going on in the Vernal Equinox chart. Wherever you are in the world, the aspects are the same, though the time differences mean the angles will be different, so this post just examines the aspects and not the ascendant, midheaven and so forth. I'd like to keep this brief.

In the previous post, I wrote about a YOD (finger of fate) created by the aspect that Venus makes to Uranus and Neptune. Venus is about to change sign. Aspecting this planet is both Uranus (rebellion, explosions) and Neptune (illusions, delusions, gas). Another aspect is the Sun/Pluto trine and if you think of what Pluto represents, then you understand that change is imminent. Then you've got the Mars (warrior energy) Saturn (both malefic planets in traditional astrology) in a trine aspect. 

We are also midway between a lunar and a solar eclipse (more about the solar eclipse in the next post). This is intense stuff and the world out there is going through some ridiculously intense shi*t. Chill, everyone. 

I'll just leave this with you. Once Venus changes sign, which is tomorrow, things will not necessarily ease up - Venus enters Scorpio (secrets and lies, anyone?) though she is dealing with a different narrative. What to do? Sit back and don't get drawn into make-believe. There is always more to the story than meets the eye. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this short post. Well, enjoyed is perhaps not the right word. 




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