Something very significant is happening in the sky tomorrow the 19th November 2024. After a good 20-odd years, the planet Pluto is changing sign, leaving the business-like sign of Capricorn and beginning its journey through Aquarius, where it will stay until 2044. Pluto's ingress into Aquarius is a hugely significant astrological event that has captured the attention of many astrologers and skywatchers. Pluto is known as the planet of transformation, power, and rebirth, and moves slowly through the zodiac, spending about 20 years in each sign. Its transition into Aquarius, the sign of innovation, technology, and humanitarianism, marks the beginning of a new era. It's a time that encourages breaking down old structures that no longer serve the collective and rebuilding in a way that aligns with Aquarian ideals of equality, freedom, and innovation.
This is a huge shift! In this short post, I'm going to pay tribute to the late Michael Lutin, an astrologer who passed away last week and who, in 2006, wrote a mind-blowing article on what Pluto going into the sign of Aquarius meant for the USA and indeed, the world. To put it very briefly, he said that around 2024, when Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, it's going to be a 'BOOM' experience. By 'boom' he meant there was a great shift coming up which would be heard all around the world.
The USA national chart is an interesting one. As you can see, the Founding Fathers chose an interesting day to sign the articles of independence with the Sun conjunct the fixed star Sirius - the Shining One.
Pluto, on that day in 1776, was at 27.5 degrees of Capricorn. A full 248 years later, Pluto came full circle and tomorrow, will change sign. In a manner of speaking (and to borrow the expression) when Pluto sneezes, the whole world hears it. Go to this site and read Michael Lutin's article:
(copy and paste into a search engine). Michael was a gifted astrologer and he will be missed. It is sort of strange that he passed away just as his most famous prediction was coming to pass. Chapeau Michael!
This is a brief post. Do read the article though....
Next post is the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 1st December.
Until then, keep well!
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