Full Moon in Gemini and a cathedral!


This Sunday, the 15th December, we will be seeing a big, bright moon in the sky. On the eve of that day, the Moon will be setting in the west, and as the Sun sets, it will be rising in the east. The Moon will be at 23 degrees of Gemini (whilst the Sun is at 23 Sagittarius). But before we get into the Full Moon chart, there are a couple of interesting things that caught our attention last week and the story the sky offered was in no way uninteresting. So I'll start with that first. 

Story 1: The Re-opening of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. When heads of state get together under one roof, you just have to sit up and take notice. What's going on? What's the symbolism? 

Consecration of Notre Dame Altar 19/5/1182
The history of Notre Dame Cathedral goes back to the 12th century when the altar was consecrated on the 19th May 1182. The cathedral, according to historians, was built on the site of a temple to Jupiter. I mention this because this is a significant detail as we shall see in a minute. As no time is given for the consecration of the altar, one can only surmise that a fortuitous time was chosen based on the position of Venus being high in the sky; astrology was practised by the Church back then. The medieval world only knew the existence of planets up to Saturn (no Neptune, Uranus and Pluto back then). I've included the asteroid Ceres as she is to figure in this story. 

Re-opening of Notre Dame Cathedral 7/12/24
This chart does not have Venus at the highest point in the sky, but two things are significant. Firstly, Jupiter, the original pagan deity who 'owned' the site, was directly opposite the sun. Secondly, Mars occupies the same (to one degree) position as Saturn does in the Consecration chart. 

What does all this mean? I can only surmise. Not included in the chart is the position of Pluto, which is at 0 degrees Aquarius, and what this means is that it is conjunct Venus AND Ceres. But who is Ceres anyway? 

In astrology, Ceres, the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt, symbolizes nurturing, motherhood, and the cycles of nature. Named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, Ceres represents how we care for ourselves and others. Its placement in a natal chart reveals our approach to nurturing, self-care, and dealing with loss and recovery. Ceres is associated with themes of fertility, food, and the natural world, emphasizing the importance of sustenance and support. Here, Venus and Ceres are conjunct and symbolise a powerful blend of love and nurturing energy. 

 Back to the symbolism of all those heads of state under one roof, with French President Emanuel Macron (Emanuel - which means God is with us).  This is a developing story - so we can only surmise that 'god/dess energy' was running through that site and those heads of state should have gotten a good dose of it :) Let's hope so, because what was happening a few thousand miles away left the world with their minds boggled.

Inner chart: Syria National chart. 
Outer chart: Transits of 7/12/24 at Midday
Story 2: Syria. Last weekend, the world watched as rebel forces liberated this country from 50 years of a cruel dictatorship. I for one am not knowledgeable enough to deliver any commentary on the politics surrounding this event. I can only comment on the astrology of this event of huge importance. The narrative the sky offers is very interesting. Let's have a look. On the day of the 7th December 2024, transiting Mars stationed at 6 degrees of Leo, right where the Pluto is in Syria's national chart is. When Mars and Pluto meet, there is always going to be the potential for action, fire power. That, coupled with the conjunction of Pluto, Venus and Ceres opposite this Mars/Pluto makes it doubly interesting. Astrologers around the world knew something would come up in the news, and indeed something did happen. Also, Neptune in the sky of 7/12/2024 is exactly opposite where it is in the national chart. Neptune oppositions speak of a breakthrough, usually, a reset in spiritual ideas. These have to be grounded in reality, however. This is an ongoing story. We shall have to wait and see. 

Full Moon Chart for 15/12/2024 set for Malta
Now, for the Full Moon story of the 15th December 2024. Full Moons are the culmination of intentions set at the New Moon. Note how the Moon squares Neptune (some emotional confusion). Mercury, the planet representing communication stations direct (was appearing to move backwards but will station to appear to move forward). The real star of the show is the Moon, however, as she is out-of-bounds, which I have explained before has a 'wild card' vibe. Also, we have to pay attention to an interesting connection between the Sun, Moon and Uranus (see chart). 

The chart highlighting the aspects between the Sun, Moon and Uranus speak of a tight and uncomfortable vibe. The Moon and Uranus are 30 degrees away from each other and astrologers do not consider this to be a major factor. Both points, however, do impact the Sun. The Moon and Sun oppose  each other (full moon). Uranus is 150 degrees from the Sun and this is an incomplete opposition, meaning things are brewing...

So what should we think about all this? The Moon/Neptune configuration in the Full Moon chart invites us to be compassionate and flexible enough to accept challenges to our perceived reality. Be aware of your own inner workings and listen with your heart. Change is definitely afoot. I have read elsewhere that within 12 months the world will be a different place. This is no surprise - look at the last 12 months. Kindness and compassion is the way to go.

I hope you enjoyed reading this long and interesting (I hope!) blog post. 




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