New Capricorn Moon plus everything else


On the 30th December 2024, at 23:26, the second New Moon in December marks the end of the calendar year. Although it marks the end of 2024, it also heralds the beginning of the new. And what a year it has been. It's also poignant that we have a new moon very close to the new year. Let's have a look at the story the sky is offering us. 

The fascinating thing about this New Moon chart is that almost all the planets and lights (the Sun and Moon are called lights, in spite of the fact that the Moon reflects the Sun's light) aspect each other in some way. 

The idea of a new moon is that it is the beginning of a lunar cycle which lasts 29.5 days. That is why we are asked to set our intentions at the new moon, which then reaches its peak at the full moon where we reflect (just as the Moon reflects the Sun's light) on what we have manifested in our lives. This New Moon is not only out-of-bounds (something of a wild card vibe) but is also is ruled over by Saturn -  by virtue of Saturn ruling Capricorn. If we look at what Saturn is 'doing', we see that it receives a square from both Mercury and Jupiter, which oppose each other. 

Although Jupiter and Gemini are in opposition, they are in each other's ruling signs. This is called mutual reception, as in, they are mutually receiving each other. Do you remember the film "The Holiday"? In this film, two house owners decided to swap houses for a while. Same thing here. In this situation, Jupiter and Mercury are going to help each other do what they do best - communicate (Mercury) in a big way (Jupiter). This two planets also square each other, so their effort to communicate over big ideas are channeled through Saturn, and Saturn rules Capricorn (where the New Moon takes place on the 30th). Jupiter and Saturn are not good bedmates; one wants to expand (Jupiter) whilst the other wants to contract (Saturn). Saturn is in Pisces which is about practical idealism, so what we can take away from this aspect is that this New Moon offers us the opportunity to tackle issues  and implement new realities, but it will not be easy. 

Sounds positive, right? But wait.... we also have that Mars/Pluto opposition. What? Isn't it over yet? Hell, no. This configuration is a powder keg. Mars has been in Leo for a few months and will remain in this sign for a few months more. It is retrograde (apparently moving backwards) and has already opposed Pluto to the exact degree and minute before, to be precise, on the 3rd November 2024 (remember the US election?). It will be exact again on the January 4th; we can only see how this will pan out. However, Saturn's practical realism does not necessarily mean that all will come up smelling of roses. Mars is retrograde, which can indicate that the explosive nature of this aspect may happen 'behind the scenes' or even have something of a hidden nature. 
Another challenging aspect is that between Venus and Uranus. Whenever these two meet in a challenging aspect, it can represent unusual relationship vibes, a flash in the pan, something that burns out as quickly as the excitement arose. It is unstable but exciting. 

created by copilot 30/12/24 at 22:20
So how do we lesser mortals contend with all this? Anyone feeling burnt out at the moment? The festive period can burn us out; too many things to do, not enough time, things moving too fast. Hence, we may be challenged to make changes. This in itself is not bad thing. Set your intentions with this New Moon. Make sure to take time out and pay attention to your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. This is going to be quite an intense month astrologically.

Remember, balance is not about perfection; it is about finding a sustainable way of navigating life's ups and downs. 

I hope you enjoy reading this. 

Blessings for the New Year - let's do our best to be beacons of hope and peace for each other.



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