Full Moon in Cancer and seeing red
Welcome to the Cancer Full Moon, occurring on the 13th January at 23:26. Because it happens at night, you should be able to see the Full Moon rising just after sunset, reaching its pinnacle just before midnight. Because it is in its full moon cycle, the Sun will be opposite in Capricorn at 23 degrees.
Before we have a look at the full moon, we must make mention of Mars which is backtracking into the sign of Cancer, and is very close to the Moon. The Moon's Nodes, which are mathematical points (which mark the Moon's path across the Sun's ecliptic), and not actual bodies in space, work 'backwards' and have just 'flipped' from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo. Mars (warrior) rules Aries, and as it was 'walking backwards' from Leo (fire sign), it 'met' Pluto opposite in Aquarius. When these two connect, there is bound to be action (Mars) and death/rebirth (Pluto) of some sort.
According to astro-sources, the fires in Los Angeles began as the Moon's North Node transited 0 degrees Aries (ruled by Mars). Mars is currently in Cancer, the sign of the mother, the home, nurturing. It is all this put together that has made astrologers link this to the fires in California, and Mars (action) in Cancer (protecting the hearth and home) is one theme that is very current with astrologers.
That Mars is very potent this month, and one way of interpreting this retrograde Mars is to think of what makes us angry. What is it that presses your buttons? Let's look to the heavens to interpret the signs of this Full Moon.
So what is the story that this Full Moon is offering us?
If you look at the numbers, all the planets connected by the red highlighting is making aspects to the Sun. So in all, we have the Sun opposite the Moon and Mars, Neptune is 60 degrees away from the Sun (harmonious aspect) as is Uranus. The Full Moon is a time when we reflect on the intentions made in the previous New Moon cycle; it highlights what we need to address. Clearly, with Mars and Uranus both involved with the Sun, and then reflected by the Moon through our emotional system, we certainly need to look at what presses our buttons especially when it comes to how we protect our home and hearth. Keep in mind that both Neptune (compassion, illusion, concealing reality) and Uranus (rebellion, intuitional thinking) make happy aspects to the Sun, so the real pot-stirrer is Mars, which is currently retrograding through Cancer and very close to the Moon. Prior to leaving Leo and re-entering the Moon's sign, it opposed Pluto, so the vibe is about transformation.
Another aspect is that between Venus and Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in the communicative Gemini. I'd like you to imagine Venus dressed up as a compassionate person in deep conversation with Saturn the stoic philosopher being challenged by a talkative, larger-than-life, jolly fellow. Venus and Saturn are in Pisces and therefore there is something of a spiritual nature to this placement (let's remember Neptune - spirituality - also aspects the Sun). The challenge is balancing caution through our spiritual wisdom and the need to speak recklessly because that Moon is impassioned by Mars (anger).
Here is a photo of that magnificent Moon taken this morning at 6:45 am from outside Mosta. Our challenge this lunar cycle is to channel that impassioned anger and to refrain from speaking words which impact others negatively. Given the current world climate, our work is cut out for us.
I hope you enjoyed reading this.
Blessings to all.
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