The Inauguration of Number 47
As with every other important event that we see on the news, the astrology of it is always something to ponder. This one is no less interesting - the inauguration of a new president.
POTUS45 becomes POTUS 47 at midday 20th January.... the time will be confirmed tomorrow when it actually happens.
Let's briefly look at the sky story of that given time.
Look, inauguration of US presidents always occurs at the same time of the year. That is a matter of counting all the votes, getting the election certified and a smooth transition time. So as such, astrological charts are always going to have the Sun in relatively the same position every four years. This time, however, there is a Sun/Pluto conjunction - and the last time that happened was in January 1778 (see below). That's when the US became a nation. What this tells us is that the USA will, as Pluto cycles are wont to do, go through a period of transformation. Pluto is about transformation; a prerequisite for transformation is chaos of sorts. Sun/Pluto is the transformation of the brightest star in the sky - and THAT will make you sit up and take notice.
Also in the chart of the inauguration is a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the philosophical sign of Pisces. As the Ascendant is Taurus, and Venus rules that sign, it is as important as the Sun-Pluto conjunction. Venus as the Lord of the Chart with a Taurus ascendant speaks of the economy. Saturn in Pisces is not as well placed as Venu, which is exalted in Pisces - treated like a queen, but gets its power from the houses it rules - the 9th, 10th and 11th. The 9th house is the area of the chart to do with foreigners/foreign policy. The 10th house is the house of government. The 11th house in mundane astrology has to do with incomes, gains and future plans. That's 3 houses! Saturn restricts. So yes, things will change and not necessarily to everyone's liking. It's a question of perspective, I guess.
This chart warrants more study - but let's get the actual time tomorrow.
New Moon approaches.... 29th Jan.
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